Take Your Power Back From Your Self-Doubt
MAR 11
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+Take Time to Change Your Mind +
Doubt your doubt
Negative thoughts, limiting beliefs and self-doubt rule your behavior and actions if you let it. What we know to be true, is that most people are living at the unconscious, default, 3D plane from the programming of their vibrational holding environment from the moment of their conception. We mentally, emotionally, in some cases, physically abuse ourselves. The mental parasite is alive and feeds on the painful, sabotaging thoughts that are alive within us.
Take back your power from the parasite and master your mind by ASKING more of yourself and giving yourself a New Thought and high Expectations of Yourself.
Your Power is understanding of self & your actions and an awareness of human nature to strategize for the best possible outcome.

If you would like to join Becoming Weightless please email me at
formationenergetix@gmail.com or schedule a call at

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