Paryushan 2023, Day 5: Transcending Suffering & Burning Karma
OCT 13, 2023
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Acharya Shree Yogeesh initially focused on the Namokar mantra, the power of it and what it really means with an-indepth dive into each line of the universal mantra. A mantra is a divine sound which creates spiritual, positive, healing and protective energy. Some mantras have the power to dissolve a lot of karma. 

Start your journey where you are. Never try to be someone else. Do not get trapped into the illusion of beauty. Be happy with yourself as you are now, and as you are begin your spiritual journey. We continue to imitate others in this world, it's an illusion to be others. Be yourself. Love and appreciate your soul. 

Consider your body a rental home: it's not yours, but you have to take care of it. Use it as you need it. The biggest deceiver is the body. Learn how to meditate and detach from the body, then you'll begin to know your real self, soul, more and more.

In the Paryushan Series of 2023, Acharya Shree  focuses on Meditation and sharing tips, techniques and teachings to help you arrive at your self. The path to Godhood is through the human body, are you ready for it?

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