Adapting Army | Accelerating technology, together. United States Marine Corps and Australian Army. Major Steven (Spike) Atkinson & Lieutenant Colonel Adam Hepworth
FEB 22, 2024
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Where is artificial intelligence going? How do we empower our workforce to embrace and use new capabilities? How can we best leverage the resources we have?

These are some of the questions the Australian Army and the United States Marine Corps are working together to solve.

In today’s episode we are joined by Major Steven (Spike) Atkinson from the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, who is leading the Robotic, Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence branch in the United States. Lieutenant Colonel Adam Hepworth has returned for another episode, sharing his insights from the Robotic and Autonomous Systems Implementation and Coordination Office.

In our discussion, you’ll hear how the United States Marine Corps, and the Australian Army are approaching emerging technology, together. Highlighting the importance of information exchange and shared experimentation to identify capability gaps, integrate technology and leverage shared opportunities.