Mike and Sean dive into the unconventional move to fly part 121 freight and bypass the regional airlines. This episode has the potential to be one of our most popular yet! We will be returning to this topic in the near future with an interview from a 23 year old 767 freight pilot and a check airmen at one of these freight operators which are all hurting for pilots.
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00:00 Intro
01:39 Sean's freight experience
03:52 Title meaning
07:06 Sean's freight adventures
09:16 Bypassing the 121 regional airlines
11:10 A single person's job
13:47 Flying on the back side of the clock
16:30 Downside to the 121 regional airline pilot jobs
20:10 www.airlinepilotcentral.com
22:31 FedEx vs. UPS pilot jobs
23:30 Regional airline vs. freight airline pay
24:39 Regionals and freight general comparison
28:25 Nice transistion to legacy 121 major airlines
30:17 Who the 121 freight operators are currently hiring for pilots
31:10 A major downside to flying freight
33:30 Wrap up- Take action!