Episode 76 - Building Tall
OCT 19, 2023
Description Community

This episode we get the chance to continue our conversation with Jordan Jarrett and learn about a unique design challenge that very few engineers get the opportunity to work on, but we all "literally" look up to. We're talking about tall buildings today, and learning how they work and in what way's they're different from our normal office buildings.

Below are some great links on the subject including many of the buildings we discussed:



Park Tower: https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/building/park-tower-at-transbay/20058

Tower in Amazon Campus: https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/building/amazon-tower-iii/17085

150 North Riverside: https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/building/150-north-riverside/15587

SkyRise Miami: https://www.skyscrapercenter.com/building/skyrise-miami/15973

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Email: info@theengineeringpodcast.com

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