Discover Sasquatch #9 Surrounded by Sasquatch With No Way Out
MAR 12, 2024
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In this episode, we delve into the chilling world of Sasquatch investigations with two members of the Southern Appalachia Sasquatch Seekers (S.A.S.S.), Sherry Reneau and Misty Waits Haynes. Hold on to your boots as they recount a hair-raising experience of being surrounded by a group of Sasquatch with seemingly no escape. Prepare for goosebumps as they detail the sights, sounds, and emotions of this unforgettable encounter. Did they manage to capture any evidence? How did they find their way out? Tune in to find out! We'll also be taking your questions live about S.A.S.S.'s research methods and their most compelling cases. So, buckle up, monster hunters, as we explore the chilling depths of the Sasquatch phenomenon with S.A.S.S. on The Untold Radio Network's Discover Sasquatch Monday 8 pm EST 3/11/24