Every leader must have a positive mindset. -Jose Angel Pereira
MAR 14, 2024
Description Community

Leadership and Resilience Discussion- Gigi and Jose Pereira

Jose Pereira was wrongfully detained and held captive in Venezuela for nearly five years, from November 21, 2017, to October 1, 2022. His only crime was that he is an American. Before he was taken hostage, he spent thirty-five years as an oil company executive and CEO of Citgo Petroleum (a US-based refineries complex and broad gas station distribution center). Pereira’s story has since evolved into a movement: changing the narrative of what it takes to bring the wrongfully detained home and how to find peace following such a traumatic experience. Having gone through his hostage-experience in a Hostile Foreign Country, expanded Jose’s perception of how to measure accomplishments and reach “success”. The combination of both his professional expertise and unique, lived experience, has led him to the desire to help others in their own journeys to success. Becoming a leadership and resilience coach, a motivational speaker and became an author with the book of his story “from hero to villain-the true story of the citgo6”.


https://linktr.ee/jose_angel_pereira https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068010210574&mibextid=LQQJ4d  
