Episode 74: Super Co-Host, Super Alex, Supernova
MAY 15, 2023
Description Community

Before we bid our tearful farewells to Alex, Sabrina and Kiersten present and discuss two of his three publications. We learn how Alex developed and deployed a machine learning model to classify supernovae using only photometry from their host galaxies! Now that Alex is a *doctor*, he’s taking his machine learning and supernova expertise to MIT and Harvard. During the episode, Will peppers Alex with some important and some…less than important interview questions. Together the gang explores what happens when you try to replace your friend with an AI.


Paper Kiersten presented: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.09963.pdf

Paper Sabrina presented: coming soon! Check out the episode for a sneak-peak.

Another of Alex’s papers (for the supernova lovers): https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.09630.pdf


Alex’s inspiration for Will’s space sound: https://twitter.com/alexgagliano/status/1648034047942066176?cxt=HHwWgICw1YSP_94tAAAA


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