What Would This World Be Without All Those Characters?
NOV 30, 2021
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Imagine Batman without the Joker, or the Penguin, or any of the other villains in the comics and movies.


Or Superman without Lex Luthor, or those three individuals with equal powers to Superman but who broke bad in their spirit and wished harm and destruction upon Planet Earth?


How utterly boring would that be?


It was the villains that made those shows and comics watchable/readable. A villain who did an awful thing made Batman himself if I recall correctly.


We revile the villains, the misfits, the outsiders. It gives us a sense of security in our bubble of righteousness.


"Maybe I've got issues, but at least I'm not him..."


"What a mess she is..."


And so on and so forth.


But can you imagine life without them?


Superman and Lois Lane just flying around looking gaw-gaw at each other? I'll give that a hard pass.


How about a movie with Batman giving a David Attenborough style tour of Gotham City? I'm laughing at the thought of it.


Our society has lost its character in many ways, because being a character has become taboo.


The 1970's was a generation of misfits, and I dare say this world was better for it. Contrast that with the totalitarian sameness of a communist society, and you would probably be quick to take the flaws of a misfit society. We certainly would.


That generation had character, because people were allowed to be characters.


Things that people routinely lose their livelihoods over, have their reputations ruined here in 2021 was part of life not that long ago. Someone had an unsavory opinion on something? You just accepted it, lived with it, and maybe even learned something from a differing point of view, albeit with language you'd just as soon not hear.


It used to be part of life. These days? Not so much.


Humanity with all its flaws and errors, dare I say it, helped form people's character.

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