#94: "Dipsh*t Gematria" + RFK Assassination Theories + Elon vs. CIA? + 75-Day Fitness Challenge
JUL 03, 2023
Description Community
Host Sam Tripoli is again battling the forces of stupidity -- only this time they are armed with a gematria calculator.

Also this week Sam reveals he has fallen off of the p*rn wagon, we consider whether Elon Musk's "rate-limiting" fiasco was actually done to combat CIA data-scraping, we discuss whether Ice Cube is down with the CIA, and we get into RFK Jr.'s appearance on a podcast where he shares his theories that MKUltra had something to do with his father's death.

We open this episode by outlining our plan to radically change our fitness/health in 75 days. Join us by tweeting at www.twitter.com/brokensim!

More stuff:

Get episodes early, and unedited, plus bonus episodes: www.rokfin.com/brokensimulation or www.patreon.com/brokensimulation

Watch Broken Simulation: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCob18bx1jaU1HYPCPNRnyog

Social media:
Twitter: @fatdragonpro, @johnnywoodard
Instagram: @samtripoli, @johnnyawoodard

The outro song is "Growing Growing Gone" by Fastball. Listen to it at www.patreon.com/fastball!

Want to see Sam live? Visit www.samtripoli.com for tickets!

Hosts: Sam Tripoli, Johnny Woodard

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