Seven Days to Success Navigating iOS17's New Rules - with Adam Robinson
DEC 04, 2023
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Adam is a serial entrepreneur and the founder/CEO of, which helps DTC brands grow their email list 10-15x faster than any other way. He has bootstrapped the company to 20m ARR in 3 years, and sold his last company to private equity for an eight figure exit. Adam is the host of the "10 Years in the Making" podcast, is creating a weekly work-in-public docuseries called "Billion Dollar Challenge", and posts daily on linkedin and twitter. Adam is an expert in email marketing, list growth, data, compliance, and building software companies.

In this episode, you will learn

  • How the iOS17 update has altered the user tracking landscape for platforms like Klaviyo and Meta


  • How does the reduction from a 2-year tracking window to just 7 days fundamentally change marketing strategies for ecommerce brands


  • The effects of the iOS14 and iOS17 updates on ecommerce marketing?


  • What are the most immediate challenges that ecommerce brands are facing due to this reduced tracking capability


  • Given these new limitations, the strategic shifts that are recommended for ecommerce brands looking to maintain effective marketing campaigns


  • For brands that are just now becoming aware of these changes, what are the first steps they should take to adapt their marketing strategies effectively

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Past guests on the ecommerce marketing podcast include Neil Patel, Nemo Chu, Luke Lintz, Luke Carthy, Amber Armstrong, Kris Ruby and many more.

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