Durga Chandrakala Stuti - A Hymn on Durga By Shree Appayya Deekshita For Protection - Chanting
NOV 22, 2021
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Durga chandrakala stuti is a hymn composed by Appayya deekshita the  great shaiva and scholar of Vedas Puranas and mantra shastras who lived  in Tamil nadu in the fifteenth century (1520–1593 CE)

In this  hymn various glories of the mother goddess durgā from Vedas and various  puranas are summarized. The hymn comprises of eighteen shloka, the first  shloka being the mangalacharana (invocation of the goddess) and the  last shloka the phala shruti (description of benefits which are attained  by the recitation of this hymn.)

So the main hymn is of sixteen  shlokas and hence the name durgā chandrakalā stuti (hymn to durga like  the sixteen states of moon) is given to it by the composer.

This  hymn is considered very powerful by the practitioners of Shakta and  Shaiva tradition – the worship of the mother goddess (the embodiment of  all power) because this hymn is the summary of the great and powerful  text Devi māhāthmyam of Mārkandeya purāna which is of 700 shlokas and  hence also known as durgā saptashatī (seven hundred verses praising  durgā)

In addition to that Appayya Deekshita also summarizes  various glorious incidents about goddess durgā and her manifold forms  from various purānas. Hence reciting this hymn daily is equal to  remembering all the important glorious deeds of the goddess mentioned in  the puranas. The Devi mahatmya and the other anecdotes about the devi  given in Varahapurana, Harivamsa, Bhagavata etc., are given in condensed  form in this work to be precise.

Reciting this hymn with devotion bestows the devotee with protection, wealth, wisdom, courage good fortune and liberation.

Today let us chant this hymn and get the blessings of Goddess Durga.

Get the detailed commentary on Durga Chandrakala Stuti based of Sri Appayya deekshita's own commentary translated into English


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