Tutoring in Mathematics
NOV 08, 2021
Description Community

Host Leanne McMahon talks all things tutoring with a 'maths education novice.' We discuss the options available for tutoring from a parental perspective and then look at how teachers (and parents) can use the Tutor learning initiative in Victorian schools (and also available in other states) As a spoiler, we came to a conclusion that private tutoring should probably be sought out as an option only if the student is prepared to take an active part in their classes and seek help from their teacher or school-based programs. We discuss the difficulty that parents have in finding a good tutor and make some suggestions. (another spoiler: It's difficult and expensive in an unregulated industry.)

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Tutor Learning Initiative resources: https://www2.education.vic.gov.au/pal/tutor-learning-initiative/resources

Determining the impact of TLI : https://lens.monash.edu/@education/2021/11/05/1384024/the-tutor-learning-initiative-needs-be-open-to-learning-but-not-just-by-students

Assessment for common misunderstandings: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/teachingresources/discipline/maths/assessment/Pages/misunderstandings.aspx

English research into the use of teaching assistants in the classroom: https://www.evidenceforlearning.org.au/assets/Guidance-Reports/Teaching-Assistants/E4L-Guidance-Report-Teaching-Assistants-Sep-WEB.pdf *Note that this deals with teaching assistants - not trained teachers. In fact it highlights the need for trained teachers and reinforces the value of the TLI
