‘How can I be there for my 8yo, who’s the first one to grow breasts in her friend group?’
JUN 01, 2021
Description Community

‘My 8-year-old found a lump under her nipple, and I had a suspicion it could be breast buds.

I don’t remember myself if they hurt or not coming in, and I wasn’t able to talk to my own mother about anything to do with puberty.

I want to be there for my daughter, but it’s so hard when I had no advice or support passed down to me. So I feel quite lost.’

This is such a beautiful question. 

Because it’s about so much more than breasts growing. Isn’t it?

My answer comes from the Kindness pillar of the Evolved Family method, 

which helps us get ourselves into a really good place, 

so we can be there for our child in the way that we want to be. 

And NOT go on the old programming. 

(Or the total lack of programming.)

If you feel like you could use some more support for this part of your parenting, and to hear all about how to support your kid as they grow their breasts, have a listen to this week’s episode of Sitting in a Car.

x Sarah

Ps. At the end, I mention a new mini workshop that would be great for you if you are having trouble starting conversations about all sorts of sensitive stuff with any child you have at home. To find out more, visit me at www.sarahsproule.com/sayit

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