Naoki Shimizu GPS Runner - Expedition Peru
MAR 29, 2024
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Naoki Shimizu is a GPS artist runner. One of Naoki's principles in his running endeavours is to make running an accessible sport to everyone. His GPS journey began when he wanted to create a sport that his students in wheelchairs could also enjoy. Naoki has run over 12,500km in countries all over the world with over 1350 pieces of art under his belt.
In 2023 Naoki and bicycle follow-up record photographer Masuo Keiryou, ran the whole island of Taiwan in a project titled "2023 GPS Run for LOVE" where he spelt out the word love with Taiwan representing the letter O.
This month he is starting project Peru, Naoki will be running 3,000km through Peru also celebrating the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Japan and Peru, his art this time will be a giant alpaca.
Project Peru
Naoki's Instagram
Naoki's Facebook
Naoki's Webpage

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