
Jordan River


GrowCast is one of the world's largest cannabis growing podcasts, where you can hear host Jordan River sit down with some of the most educated and talented people in the cannabis cultivation industry. Tune in to hear world class expert guests take deep dives on niche growing subjects like lighting, nutrients, plant training, organic growing, living soil, grow room automation, and much, much more. So pop on GrowCast to learn while you work in your garden- you've just discovered your number one resource for cannabis cultivation advice! And make sure to check out the world's best cannabis membership at with a weekly ad-free podcast, GrowCast TV LIVE Web Show, a Grower's Chat Community, and more!

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376 episodes

🔥 Jordan Interviews Dan Balzerian

IF you want to hear the FULL interview with Danny B and Jordan, be sure to join the membership and look for the full interview... Just kidding, April fools, there is no interview- HOWEVER I was once invited to the Ignite launch party, and attended after being swayed by Producer Ben (true story). That was pretty wild, and we did do two member Live Streams covering it that are still in the Patreon. I'm taking my family home this week, I'll be back with GC a week from today, and then we have some dope events planned in IL, FLA, CO and then IL again :) so come and see me soon! DON'T FORGET! April BOGO all month long at GrowCast Seed Co- no code or anything just order and get a free bonus pack for each pack purchased (limit two). Members get $20 off per pack too! ENJOY THOSE SAVINGS AND I'LL SEE YOU IN ONE WEEK! <3

Apr 01, 2024
🐟 Aquatic Microbiology, Natural Farming AI, and Home Aquaponics, with Steve Raisner

Steve aka Potent Ponics returns to GrowCast for a podcast all about FISH! Steve is a talented and knowledgeable cultivator with a vast amount of grow knowledge, but today we are returning to his roots of aquaponics to discuss one of the most fascinating cultivation styles on Earth. Steve talks about the easiest ways for home growers to incorporate an aquaponics setup- the only setup that produces meat protein! This turns to a conversation about simply incorporating some aquatic microbes even if you aren't an aquaponics grower- this means adding something like fish waste, aquarium water, or even creek/pond water under the right conditions. Steve also talks about the work he is doing with the Natural Farming AI Chat Bot, and how the bot has been shining when it comes to questions that pertain to specific geographic locations. If you want more content from Steve and Jordan, check out GrowCast Membership where he has hours of GCTV appearances. BLUMAT DISCOUNT AT SUSTAINABLE VILLAGE IS BACK AND CODE GROWCAST IS LIVE FOR 10% OFF BLU MATS FOR THIS MONTH ONLY GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS!

Mar 25, 2024
🪴Identifying Deficiencies: Sulfur, Iron, and More, with Marybeth Sanchez

The one and only Marybeth Sanchez from Team GrowCast is back on the program for an episode all about helping home growers just like you identify deficiencies with confidence! Marybeth teases some upcoming work she will be doing with us here at GrowCast to create a deficiency deep dive series. She goes on to talk about how once you've nailed down which mineral is lacking in the plant- the first step isn't always to just add more minerals. MBS shares the telltale signs of sulfur deficiency, focusing on where the yellowing occurs and how it progresses. She also highlights how this differs from the very rare iron deficiency- and how we can correct these different mineral deficiencies with inputs that are easy to find and safe for the plant. MBS also discusses why humic acids are always so highly recommended when it comes to improving nutrient uptake- especially when your plant is lacking in micronutrients. BLUMAT DISCOUNT AT SUSTAINABLE VILLAGE IS BACK AND CODE GROWCAST IS LIVE FOR 10% OFF BLU MATS FOR THIS MONTH ONLY GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS!

Mar 18, 2024
🎸Heavy Metal Contamination, Chelation Science, and Humic Acids, with Nik from Rooted Leaf

Creator of Rooted Leaf Nutrients (use code GROWCAST) Nik is back on the line for an episode all about heavy metals! On this round of our nutrient/element deep dive, Nik discusses the less desirable elements that exist in soil. Mercury, lead, cadmium, and more- these are the elements you DON'T want your plant to uptake or interact with. First Nike explains how these elements occur in nature, and how various industrial processes also contribute to heavy metal extraction and contamination. He goes on to talk about how these elements short circuit and interfere with the plant's ability to grow and develop properly- making them a major threat to healthy plant production. Nik also talks about how to lock up these elements within soil, and how chelation through the use of compounds like humic acids can lock away these harmful substances rendering them benign. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO APES IN SPACE IS LIVE! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

Mar 11, 2024
💧Irrigation History, Soil Physics, Moisture Release Curves, and More, with Michael Box

Michael Box from Sustainable Village is BACK and code GROWCAST is live for 10% off Blu Mats for this month only! Michael joins the program again for another banger of an episode all about watering and irrigation. Michael starts off with a brief history of irrigation practices, and how the brilliant ancient practices were eventually evolved into our modern irrigation products. This leads to a conversation about how water operates within a medium physically, and why it's more complicated than just measuring "how much" water is in your soil. Michael also recaps on his work with moisture retention curves AKA moisture release curves- and how water doesn't dry out of all mediums equally! Michael points out the finer points of understanding soil saturation, and how the different properties of your medium affect the physics within. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO APES IN SPACE IS LIVE! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

1h 0m
Mar 04, 2024
🦏💰Biggest MONEY SAVERS and WASTERS, Plus Breeding Talk, with Rhizo Rich

The man himself, head breeder of GrowCast Seed Co and long time friend of the show Rhizo Rich is back on the program! Today Rich is here to share some info on his current amazing pheno hunt, and to talk about his low cost oriented gardening style. Rich gets an update on how the Molokai pheno hunt is going, and how vigorous genetics really are the most important thing when it comes to surviving multiple environmental pressures. The conversation turns towards low cost growing, and Rich shares some of his favorite money saving techniques. From DIYing your own cannabis grow products at home, to searching the depths of Home Depot and Amazon to find the cheapest possible purchase. Rich also warns of the biggest money WASTERS, including throwing away your medium every time, inefficient equipment, and more...

Feb 26, 2024
🚫 TOP FIVE MISTAKES in Pest Management, with Matthew Gates

Good friend of the show Matthew Gates of Zenthanol Consulting joins the podcast for a TOP FIVE episode which covers the MISTAKES you should certainly avoid in your IPM practices. Matthew talks about the problem with improper scouting or even lack of scouting at all, and how people tend to bury their head in the sand when it comes to infestations. This leads to a conversation about proper treatment when you do see a pest, and how some people tend to only try and treat an infestation with one spray application. The boys cover some other big mistakes including not knowing the natural pest pressure in your area, and not applying pesticide applications to the correct area of your plant/garden... GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GrowCast Seed Co If you are reading down this far... Go to Seed Co page, you may find a new drop live right now! *Rooted Leaf Carbon Based Nutrients - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit WWW.ROOTEDLEAF.COM AND USE CODE GROWCAST FOR 20% OFF, just add to filtered water and watch the EXPLOSIVE growth!*

Feb 19, 2024
🌱Unique Cultivars, Clone Taking Tips, and HLVD, with Pharmerjohn and Terp Burper

Good friends of the show but first time GrowCast guests Pharrmerjohn and Terp Burper from Pharmer's Phenos joins us for a show all about their amazing lineup of strains! John shares the story of how he grew his legendary collection of strains over time, and what prompted him to start Pharmer's Phenos with the help of Terp Burper. They describe some of their favorite strains from the lineup, the amazing aromas and flavors they produce, and how they grow. The boys also talk about how to fill out a stable of genetics with a wide variety of flavors, and different morphologies for different types of growers. The conversation turns to HLVD and how to avoid the pesky viroid- as well as Pharmers Phenos best practices when it comes to taking healthy and vigorous cuttings from vegging plants. SHOUT OUT TO THE BUBBLEHIVE IN LOVES PARK IL! FOR ALL YOUR HEADY GLASS AND CBD NEEDS- The Bubblehive supports cannabis community by hosting all sorts of events including the GrowCast Cult Cup! Thank you Bubble Hive of Loves Park! GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO APES IN SPACE IS LIVE! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

1h 5m
Feb 12, 2024
♿ Medicinal Strains, Gardening with Disabilities, and Canna Capable, with Crzylgz

Brand new guest and friend of GrowCast Crzylgz from Canna Capable joins us for the very first time! Crzylgz shares his personal story of battling with a severe disability, and discovering cannabis as a major source of relief. This leads to a conversation about home growing, and how illegalities put people with severe disabilities between a rock and hard place. Crzylgz shares the story of how Canna Capable came into existence, and how the organization was sparked during a GrowCast Cult Cup event. Crzylgz talks about the importance of encouraging those around you with disabilities to start growing their own, and highlights how much of an incredible difference it can make in their lives. He also gives tips on how to make your gardening easier, which is especially important for those who are gardening while physically limited. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GrowCast Seed Co If you are reading down this far... Go to Seed Co page, you may find a new drop live right now! *Rooted Leaf Carbon Based Nutrients - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit WWW.ROOTEDLEAF.COM AND USE CODE GROWCAST FOR 20% OFF, just add to filtered water and watch the EXPLOSIVE growth!*

Feb 05, 2024
⚗️Quality Humic Acids vs Ineffective Forms, Oklahoma Cannabis Shutdowns, Breeding, and More, with Brandon Rust

Brandon Rust is back on GrowCast- apologies for the extra foul language as Brandon comes in hot while discussing the incredible injustice that is taking place in the Oklahoma Cannabis Community. Brandon emphasizes the need for the industry to organize, mobilize, and put legal pressure on the entities that are virtually extorting and destroying countless cannabis businesses, one after another. The conversation shifts towards Brandon's breeding work including the long list of lime work he's done- and Brandon discusses what he thinks about the classic topic of "old school weed vs new school weed." Brandon gives us a sneak peek of what's to come from his breeding work before moving on to maybe his favorite subject: humic and fulvic acids. Brandon talks about how these products are NOT created equally, the different processes they may or may not undergo, and how that determines the effectiveness in our gardens. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO APES IN SPACE IS LIVE! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

1h 8m
Jan 29, 2024
🌱OKCalyxx's New Crosses, Feminizing Plants, and Natural Farming

OKCalyxx is back on the show! Today he is updating us on all his breeding projects, Gasoline Alley, and more! OKC gives us a sneak peek of his Beleaf collab, and talks about the variety of strains he is using from that lineup including lots of work with the Chimera. Calyxx takes us through his upcoming pollination menu and tells us about some of the delicious expressions he's experiencing from hunting through his current selection of phenos. He also gives an update on the Peach Dosi work that came from the GrowCast Community, and how it's going to make another appearance in this upcoming drop. We also tease some upcoming in person education that will be going down later this year- a hands-on farming class with OKCalyxx on his property! GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GrowCast Seed Co If you are reading down this far... Go to Seed Co page, you may find a new drop live right now! *Rooted Leaf Carbon Based Nutrients - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit WWW.ROOTEDLEAF.COM AND USE CODE GROWCAST FOR 20% OFF, just add to filtered water and watch the EXPLOSIVE growth!*

Jan 22, 2024
🧪PH vs EH, Nutrient Uptake, and Hydrogen, with Nik from Rooted Leaf

Nik from Rooted Leaf Nutrients (use code GROWCAST) is back on the show to continue our nutrient deep dive series! This time we take a step away from soil fertilizer elements and instead discuss PH, EH, and nutrient uptake. Nik talks about what PH is (percentage hydrogen) and why the amount of hydrogen can be used to deduce how available nutrients will be in the solution. Nik talks about the donation of hydrogen atoms and how chelation works inside a solution- highlighting that these availability processes take place totally independently of each other. This leads to conversation about EH, and Nik talks about the redox cycle as well as how oxygenation plays a role in plant health. Nik ties it all together back to photosynthesis and nutrient availability as a whole, and emphasizes how PH is NOT the only determining factor in nutrient availability, just one among other factors that may even be more important in certain scenarios... GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GrowCast Seed Co If you are reading down this far... Go to Seed Co page, you may find a new drop live right now! *Rooted Leaf Carbon Based Nutrients - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit WWW.ROOTEDLEAF.COM AND USE CODE GROWCAST FOR 20% OFF, just add to filtered water and watch the EXPLOSIVE growth!*

Jan 15, 2024
™️ Patenting Cannabis Genetics, AI Bot for Natural Farming, and Open Sourcing, with Copyleft Cultivars and Steve Raisner

The wave of cannabis patents ARE COMING! Today we have a brand new guest Caleb from Copyleft Cultivars- he joins us with mutual friend Steve Raisner to talk about the implications of patenting cannabis genetics. Copyleft explains his mission of open sourcing as many genetics as possible, while also building an open to anyone cannabis genome galaxy. Caleb highlights the difference between his project and other similar projects in the past- and how he is looking to reshape patent law both inside AND outside of cannabis. This leads to a conversation about patent trolls- people who engage in lawsuits around budding new industries and use lawsuits over intellectual property as extortion to get paid off. These groups are incredibly harmful to a variety of industries and cannabis is RIPE for this type of legal attack- which is why it's so important to open source our genetics. Caleb and Steve wrap the show by showcasing their new Natural Farming AI Bot that will produce answers and solutions to garden problems using natural farming inputs. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GrowCast Seed Co If you are reading down this far... Go to Seed Co page, you may find a new drop live right now! *Rooted Leaf Carbon Based Nutrients - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit WWW.ROOTEDLEAF.COM AND USE CODE GROWCAST FOR 20% OFF, just add to filtered water and watch the EXPLOSIVE growth!*

Jan 08, 2024
☁️VPD Misconceptions, Transpiration, and Ideal Environment, with Dr. Coco

Good friend of the show Dr. Coco is BACK! This time he's on the line for a deep dive exploration of vapor pressure deficit. Coco recaps what VPD really is- an environmental metric of how "thirsty" the air is. This leads to a conversation about ideal VPD range charts, and how the charts give you a guideline to follow, but no specific instructions on how or why to achieve specific VPD in veg and flower. Coco reiterates that temperature is king, and you should never sacrifice optimal temperature in order to achieve specific VPD levels. The conversation turns towards what's happening to those trichomes on a micro level, with the pressure deficit or "vaccum" affecting how the plant transpires, grows, feeds, and maybe even how it dries and cures. The two wrap up the show by talking about the upcoming new years grow challenge, and the cloning side challenge where people are taking their best, biggest, and smallest clones. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

Jan 01, 2024
🎄Happy Holidays! Seed Co Drop is LIVE! GrowCast Returns in 7 Days- From the Islands!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from GrowCast! Grab yourself the new Apes in Space GrowCast Seed Co Drop by Rhizo Rich for a little present to yourself: See you here with more GrowCast Podcast in 7 days! Be safe out there!

Dec 25, 2023
☢️ Vector Tips, Disinfectant Product Breakdown, and Resetting the Grow, with Jason from Filtr

GROWCAST SEED CO DROP: APES IN SPACE DROP IS LIVE! SEVERAL ALREADY SOLD OUT, GRAB THEM NOW BEFORE THEY'RE GONE: Jason from Filtr is back on the program for an entire episode about resetting grow rooms between runs, the best ways to KEEP IT CLEAN, and more! Jason talks about how the majority of cleaning activity takes place between runs inside the grow, and how we should be approaching this reset period. The conversation turns to vectors, or possible pathways of pest attacks, and how to prevent some of the lesser known vectors in your grow. This leads to a conversation about places that we often forget to clean during the reset, including the outside of the grow tent, the insides of equipment like ventilation fans, and more. Jason wraps the show with some very applicable and interesting facts about cleaning solutions- including how to avoid making your bleach ineffective, how soap should be used upon initial cleans, and thoughts on iso alcohol of different percentages. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GrowCast Seed Co If you are reading down this far... Go to Seed Co page, you may find a new drop live right now! *Rooted Leaf Carbon Based Nutrients - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit WWW.ROOTEDLEAF.COM AND USE CODE GROWCAST FOR 20% OFF, just add to filtered water and watch the EXPLOSIVE growth!*

Dec 18, 2023
🔬Living Soil Secrets, Reframing the Soil Food Web, and Soil Microscopy, with Matt Powers

First time guest and creator of the brand new Soil Microscopy Course Matt Powers is on the program! Matt joins us for an episode all about soil biology, and how we think about the soil food web. Matt talks about some of the biggest misconceptions that students of the soil make, highlighting how often times when observing and testing soil for analytics, we take approaches that can lead to inaccurate and skewed data sets. This leads to a conversation about home growers, and Matt points out some of the common mistakes he sees when thinking about the function of soil microbes in our garden. Matt discusses how every student of the soil is always learning and growing, and he gives us some good tips to get started on our own journey of soil discovery, including microscope recommendations and more. Matt wraps the show by talking about IMO, and how we need to study the microbes that evolved alongside feral cannabis found outside in the wild! PROUD NEW PARTNERS OF HYGROZYME! CHECK OUT WWW.HYGROZYME.COM for their amazing suite of all natural products that will TRANSFORM YOUR GARDEN! Hygrozyme, Hyclean, Hyshield, and their new Hygroben- PICK THEM UP TODAY at your local grow store and tell them GC sent you! GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

Dec 11, 2023
🦏 Apes in Space Pollination, Pheno Hunting Grow Styles, and State of the Industry, with Rhizo Rich

Breeder for GrowCast Seed Co and great friend of the show Rhizo Rich is back on the program for an episode all about the state of the industry, and the state of Rhizo's Garden! Rich extrapolates on some of the strains he's got lined up to get hit by the Apes in Space Pollen, and talks about which cultivars he is most excited about. He highlights the Purple Urkel Cake he has going which will produce the cross Purple Quasar, and how unique some of the new work is in his garden. This leads to a conversation about pheno hunting, and Rich talks about which grow style he thinks is most suitable for pheno hunting large numbers of plants. The conversation turns towards the state of breeding cannabis in 2023, and the state of the cannabis community at large. Rich gives his thoughts on the schism created by cannabis companies not being able to grow, and growers not being able to compete with the corporate forces... GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO APES IN SPACE DROPPING SOON! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

1h 3m
Dec 04, 2023
🧬Old School CA Strains, Genetic Diversity, and Medicinal Cultivars, with Maddfarmer

Legendary Northern California breeder Maddfarmer is back on the program! Madd joins us again to give an update on his health and family, the build out in Oklahoma, and more! Maddfarmer talks about how much things have changed in the cannabis industry in just the last few years, from the cultural changes to the vastly different cultivation setups... The cannabis industry is moving at light speed! Oklahoma is an example of this, and Maddfarmer shares stories from the boom and bust of Oklahoma regulation. Madd shares his thoughts on the current state of the cannabis gene pool, and expresses his fondness of home breeding, while lamenting the fact that classic strains and traits tend to be lost to time. This leads to a conversation about "old school strains" and how everyone has their different definition of what strains were the high quality "old school" weed... PROUD NEW PARTNERS OF HYGROZYME! CHECK OUT WWW.HYGROZYME.COM for their amazing suite of all natural products that will TRANSFORM your garden! Hygrozyme, Hyclean, Hyshield, and their new Hygroben- pick them up today at your local grow store and tell them GC sent you! GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

1h 9m
Nov 27, 2023
🌙Dark Period, Calvin Cycle, and Optimal Timing, with Nik from Rooted Leaf

42% OFF ROOTED LEAF NUTRIENTS BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Grab the best nutrients around, no PHing, eco friendly, and LOADED with carbon! We continue our nutrient deep dive from a different angle this time- Nik from Rooted Leaf is BACK! Today we are taking a look at light independent cycles, how our plants metabolism changes during the lights off period, and more. Nik recaps photosynthesis for us and talks about how the role of photosynthesis plays into what happens in the dark period. This leads to a conversation about the Calvin cycle, which is a metabolic process that plants utilize independent of light. Nik talks about how the main energy source for the plant changes during this cycle, highlighting the role of mitochondria in producing energy for the plant as a whole. Nik also discusses the history of the Calvin Cycle, as well as other cycles such as the Krebs, or citric acid cycle. Nik lets us know what this means as far as our grow strategy, and when the optimal time is to feed your plants, chop them down, etc. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

Nov 20, 2023
💀Deadly Soil Pathogens vs Nutrient Deficiencies, Diagnosing Plant Issues, and More, with Marybeth Sanchez

GrowCast Team Member and legendary natural farming expert Marybeth Sanchez is back on the program! MBS is wrapping up her harvest on her amazing property, and talks about her full season cycle and regenerating her land. The conversation turns towards helping growers identify issues in their garden, and Marybeth shares some important tips on identifying problems. She starts by focusing on soil borne pathogens and how they attack your plant tissue DIFFERENTLY than nutrient issues. This is an important distinction because many growers misdiagnose a pathogen as a deficiency, and try to treat the issue with more minerals- which will only worsen the problem. This leads to a larger conversation about how to approach a deficiency in general, and how you should address all other possible solutions before just adding more nutrients. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GrowCast Seed Co Only 6 Lo-Hi Thai left! FIRE genetics straight from Rhizo Rich! Members get $20 off PER PACK! *Rooted Leaf Carbon Based Nutrients - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit WWW.ROOTEDLEAF.COM AND USE CODE GROWCAST FOR 20% OFF, just add to filtered water and watch the EXPLOSIVE growth!*

1h 2m
Nov 13, 2023
🍂 KNF Tips, Regenerative Renaissance, and Indigenous Microbes, with Chris Trump

Korean Natural Farming expert and regenerative evangelist Chris Trump is back on the show for a whole episode about organic farming! Chris talks about the most important aspects to focus on when starting out KNF and incorporating it into your setup. He goes on to explain some of the finer points of IMO collection, composting temperatures, and the complex consortium of microbes that is required to drive a thriving living soil garden. Chris discusses the "sweet spot" when it comes to temperature and microbiology, explaining what happens to the biology when we go too cold, or too hot beyond that point. Chris wraps up the show by talking about his travels and his work outside of cannabis, and how he sees the world shifting to a more sustainable, regenerative mindstate. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO ONLY 6 LO-HI THAI LEFT! FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

Nov 06, 2023
🦠Enzymatic Breakdown, Chitin in Soil, and Home Grow Tips, with Leanne and Doug

First time guests Doug and Leanne from Hygrozyme are on the program! Today they are here to discuss the inception of Hygrozyme, how enzymes interact with the soil food web, and more. Doug and Leanne talk about the enzymes that are contained in Hygrozyme, the secret recipe, and how these specific enzymes like cellulase operate in and benefit a living soil system. This leads to a conversation about chitin and chitinase, and how this hormone inducer will benefit the immunological processes in your plant such as terpene and flavanoid production. Team Hygrozyme wrap up the show by talking about home grow tips, and how soil growers specifically can boost the microbiome in their garden for heavier, stickier harvests! GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO ONLY 6 LO-HI THAI LEFT! FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

Oct 30, 2023
☀️Pheno Hunting, Heat Resistance, and Epigenetics, with Sun God Seeds

Friend of GrowCast but first time guest Sun God Seeds joins us! Today he is on the line to discuss his epic breeding work, selecting for harsh environments, and more! Sun God extrapolates on what it's like to grow in a desert climate, and what techniques he employs to ensure his cannabis plants are thriving under the desert sun. This leads to a conversation about utilizing what's around you, and growing for your environment. The conversation turns towards pheno hunting, and Sun God explains what drives his selection process when he does large scale 100+ plant hunts. He also talks about how he views breeding, and how to intentionally and quickly bottleneck certain traits that you are looking to isolate. Sun God wraps up the show by going in depth into some of his new strains, how they express, and what's next on the menu for Sun God seeds. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100s of HOURS of Bonus Content  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

Oct 23, 2023
Thai Seeds LIVE! Northern VA/DC Cup, IL Meetup, Hawaii Hunt, and More Updates


Oct 20, 2023
✌️ Facultative Anaerobes, Ferments for Cannabis, and Soil Tips, with Weedshouldtastegood

Good friend of the show Miles of WeedShouldTasteGood is back on the program! Today Miles discusses all of the natural farming, education, and breeding work that he has been up to since we last spoke- and he gives some amazing tips on soil growing as well! Miles breaks down how the bacteria in his ferments work, and how he applies a variety of recipes to the same fermentation process to see their different results on cannabis. Miles shares some recent shifts in perspective when it comes to growing with these ferments, and he also points out several common mistakes and misconceptions that he thinks many soil growers of the world hold. Miles wraps up the show by discussing his breeding work, and highlights some of the new pollinations and hunts where he is working with both landrace strains and poly hybrids. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP WEEKLY LIVE STREAMS - PERSONAL GARDEN ADVICE- 100S OF HOURS OF BONUS CONTENT  - MEMBERS ONLY DISCOUNTS! JOIN THE GREATEST COMMUNITY IN CANNABIS! GROWCAST SEED CO FIRE GENETICS STRAIGHT FROM RHIZO RICH! MEMBERS GET $20 OFF PER PACK!

1h 2m
Oct 16, 2023
🤏Micronutrients, Hollow Stems, and Nutrient Antagonization, with Nik from Rooted Leaf

Nik from Rooted Leaf (use code GROWCAST) is back on the line to wrap up the soil nutrient elements in our Nutrient Deep Dive series! Nik catches us up with a quick recap and then dives into a few of the most important micronutrients, or the nutrients that are required in very small quantities. Nik talks about what those nutrient ratios should look like, and how minerals like Potassium will be needed in vastly greater quantities than the micronutrients we discuss today. Silica is first up, as Nik explains how it plays into cell structure and more. This leads to a conversation about Boron, and what causes plants to develop hollow stems. Iron and Manganese are next on the list, and Nik tells us what we need to do to ensure that these minerals are not only present, but also available in solution- highlighting the importance of proper PH, and understanding how nutrients antagonize one another. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP (BONUS CONTENT, MEMBER DISCOUNTS, MEMBER DISCORD AND MORE!) GROWCAST SEED CO (VAULTED PACKS ARE UP!) *ROOTED LEAF CARBON BASED NUTRIENTS - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit and use code GROWCAST for 20% OFF, JUST ADD TO FILTERED WATER AND WATCH THOSE PLANTS EXPLODE!* *PROUD PARTNERS: PULSE GROW ROOM MONITORS, industry leader in grow room data and monitoring! Visit and grab their Pulse One or Pulse Plus to UPLEVEL your grow room tracking! RECEIVE ALERTS, ANALYZE DATA, AND IMPROVE YOUR GARDEN WITH DATA DRIVEN STRATEGIES!*

1h 7m
Oct 09, 2023
🐛Thai Cannabis, IPMO, and Soil Microbiology, with Potent Ponics

Potent Ponics Steve is back on the show! Our good friend returns from Thailand to do some gigging around the US while Thai politics and turmoil shakes out in the cannabis industry. Steve tells us stories from his time doing large scale soil grows in Thailand. He talks about the different strains that he got to observe and experience while traveling the Thai countryside, and he talks about the different profiles he experienced as well as the interesting local names. Steve discusses the struggles of growing in the Thai setting, with heavy pest pressure from insects like thrips and more. This leads to a conversation about IPMO, or indigenous predatory micro organisms, and how we can utilize the natural pest devouring microbes found all around us. Steve wraps the show by diving into soil microbiology in general, and where he thinks many growers hold misconceptions. GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP (BONUS CONTENT, MEMBER DISCOUNTS, MEMBER DISCORD AND MORE!) GROWCAST SEED CO (VAULTED PACKS ARE UP!) *ROOTED LEAF CARBON BASED NUTRIENTS - liquid organic nutrients with NO NEED to PH! Visit and use code GROWCAST for 20% OFF, JUST ADD TO FILTERED WATER AND WATCH THOSE PLANTS EXPLODE!* *THANK YOU TO MIGHTY HYDRO SAN DIEGO FOR HOSTING PESTAPALOOZA!Mighty Hydro is our choice hydro store in the San Diego area, with a great selection, knowledgeable staff, and truly supportive to our community!

Oct 02, 2023
🐇 Strain Reviews, Rabbits in the Grow, and Electroculture, with Chitown Canna Chica

Our good friend Chitown Canna Chica is back on the program for the first time in while- and she has plenty of updates to share! Canna Chica talks about what she has been up to since last we spoke, and how many different strains she's gone through in the mean time. She talks about some of the standout strains that she has worked with in recent memory, and breaks down some of their flavor profiles and growth habits. This leads to a conversation about a special cut that got mauled by a rabbit that had intruded in her indoor grow space... Remember that pests can come in many shapes and sizes :D Chitown wraps the show by talking about her growing style, how she likes to switch up different nutrient regimens, and how she also likes to bring plants from outside into her grow room during certain parts of the year... She also talks about the experiments she's done with electroculture, and how it's a fun addition because it couldn't really hurt to try! GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP (BONUS CONTENT, MEMBER DISCOUNTS, MEMBER DISCORD AND MORE!) GROWCAST SEED CO (VAULTED PACKS ARE UP!)

Sep 25, 2023
🌶️Kashmir Cannabis, Hot Pepper Production, and Land Regeneration, with Dr. Grenskye

Dr. Grenskye formerly from Red Scare Seed Co now of Garden Goblin Genetics joins the show again! Grenskye tells us about his brand switch, and how he is moving away from his old name and onto a new project with some new genetics to boot. He talks about resurrecting some of his old Kashmir work, and how he is going to drop a variety of crosses with his new brand. The good doctor goes on to discuss his work in peppers- both growing and breeder. He talks about his fondness of different species, and how he incorporates them into his garden and diet. Dr. Grenskye also elaborates on the work he has done on his farm- referencing all the way back to his first appearance when he was first starting the regeneration process on his farm. Now, his farm is starting to take off, and the soil is becoming both rich with nutrients and alive with microbiology... GROWCAST MEMBERSHIP (BONUS CONTENT, MEMBER DISCOUNTS, MEMBER DISCORD AND MORE!) GROWCAST CLASSES (BREEDING CLASS IN VA! USE CODE GROWCAST FOR $20 OFF AND MEMBERS GET 25% OFF!) GROWCAST SEED CO (VAULTED PACKS ARE UP!) NEW ROOTED LEAF LUSH GREEN! USE CODE GROWCAST for 20% off your entire order of the plant based, carbon rich Rooted Leaf Nutrients- NO MORE PHING, JUST APPLY THE DANK SAUCE AND RIP!

Sep 18, 2023