586: Knowing your Competition with Coach Heather Plum
NOV 16, 2023
Description Community


In the latest episode of the Business of Boutique Fitness, host Heather explores
the importance of understanding your competition in the fitness industry.
Competition brings more awareness to fitness and wellness, benefiting everyone.
Heather emphasizes the need to identify your unique offerings to stand out.
Thoroughly researching your competitors and conducting a SWOT analysis will
help you understand how you differ and inform your marketing decisions.

When interacting with prospective clients, use your knowledge to provide tailored
information and find the right fit, even if it means recommending a competitor.
Take the high road when discussing competition, showcasing your strengths and
unique value. By leveraging your strengths and standing out, you'll attract the
right clients and thrive in the competitive fitness industry. Visit the Studio Grow
website for the full episode and more resources. Subscribe, leave a review, and
share with colleagues to make a positive impact in the world of boutique fitness.

On the edge of your seat?

Great, let’s do it. Catch ya in EPISODE 586 and let’s make your studio the
hottest ticket in town!

With grit and gratitude,

