Thr Cost of Showing Up
DEC 16, 2021
Description Community
Everything has a cost...and the cost can be expensive. While many will immediately think about a financial cost, when you show up you will have an emotional cost, relational cost, mental cost, and even a physical cost. That cost is more and more evident with the use of social media and media outlets.

This is the episode that knocks out the myths of what it means to be an influencer. Let’s pull back the curtains and shine a light on a few things.

On one hand we have Nick Cannon and his tribute to his son and on the other hand was a post from @destiny_inspires. Both showed a clear picture of the what the cost of showing up looks like.

Are you ready to pay the cost to show up like a boss, like an the CEO that you put on paper? It’s achievable if you are willing to put in the werk.

Stay connected:

Instagram: @altoviseunmuted