First15 Devotional



First15 is a daily devotional written to help you connect with God. Each day, the devotional features scripture, a devotional thought, guided prayer, and action steps. For more information, please visit To hear the music from the devotional, search for First15 Worship on Spotify or Apple Music. Tags: First15 Devotional, First 15, First15 Worship, Devotional

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2369 episodes

Seeking Transformation

Today we begin a brand new week of devotionals, creating space every day for God to transform us more and more into his likeness. And in today’s devotional, we’re starting with a broader view, looking at what it means to truly seek transformation. May God do a mighty work in our hearts this week as we make room for his presence every day. Get your copy of Catalyst MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 23
Renewal of Perspective

In our last episode of this week on renewal, today we’re looking at what it means to have a renewal of perspective. Lately for me, it seems like the difference between a bad day and a good day is simply just a difference in my perspective. And there’s hardly anything more empowering that realizing that we have the ability to change how we think, to shift our perspective, and therefore change how we feel and how we act. So may God give us the power and courage to choose the right perspective today, to see the world and our lives through his eyes. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 22
Renewal of Conscience

As we near the end of our week-long series on renewal, today we’re going to invite God to bring a renewal of conscience to our hearts and minds. That our perspectives and beliefs about ourselves would be washed clean in God’s mercy and grace. May God empower us to see ourselves the way he does as we spend meaningful time in his presence today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 21
Renewal of Purpose

In today’s First15, we’re going to invite God to renew within us a true sense of purpose. Throughout the day I find my heart wandering to all sorts of purposes, some good, and some bad. But everyday life teaches me that the one purpose that leads to the greatest measure of life and joy, is the pursuit of God. Not the pursuit of religion, but the authentic pursuit of a relationship with the Lord. May the Holy Spirit reveal within us the true reason we were created, and guide us down the path of purpose today in his presence. Get your copy of Catalyst MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 20
Renewal of Joy

In the middle of this week-long series on renewal, today we’re going to make room for God to renew our joy. Joy is something I so often struggle to walk in as I allow the cares and burdens of life to weigh me down. But every morning is a new opportunity to come before our Father, give our cares over to him, and choose again the path of joy. May God guide us today into a meaningful renewal of joy as we set our eyes and hearts on him. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 19
Renewal of Your First Love

In our third episode on seeking renewal from our good and loving God, today we’re going to look at what it means to have a renewal of our first love. What, who we love first, makes all the difference in how we spend our days, and how we spend our moments. And unless God is our first love, the one we’re giving all of our hearts to, life will always feel out of balance, and lacking the fullness of fulfillment. May God guide us to a deeper love of him today as we open our hearts and hands to meet with him. Get your copy of Catalyst MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 18
The Renewal of Your Mind

In the second day of our series on renewal, today we’re going to invite God to renew our minds. Our minds are the gateway to our emotions, decisions, and perspectives. How we see the world around us, the assumptions we live with, the lies we believe, and where we choose to focus our attention, make all the difference in our daily experience. May God guide each of us down the path to renewing our minds in his presence, and through his word today, that we might experience a greater measure of abundant life in him. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 17
God’s Plan for Renewal

One of the best aspects of spending time alone with God is being renewed daily by his word and presence. Lamentations 3:22-23 says, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23). When we make space for God in our lives, especially at the beginning of the day, he is faithful to renew and prepare us for all we will face out in the world. So as we enter into this week focusing on renewal, Where do you need renewal? How greatly do you need God’s mercies in your life? May God teach and guide us into daily renewal as we make space every morning for him to fill. Get your copy of Catalyst MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 16
Being the Light

As we finish our week on Light, today we’ll explore our calling to be the light. What’s beautiful about this call is that the pressure is off. We have so many misconceptions about what God requires of us, and he is not the task master we so often mistake him for. May you be encouraged today to live out your calling as the light of the world, free from the weight of the world. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 15
Following God into the Light

As we begin to wrap up our week on Light, today we’ll explore following God into the light. We each face temptations of various kinds. And God promises each of us a way out by his leadership in the midst of temptation and struggle. We are not alone in anything we face, as our Jesus has told us he’s faced it too. May you feel better equipped to face temptation and sin today as you encounter Jesus and his truth for you on this subject. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 14
Looking at the Light

All of our longings and needs were meant to be met in God. And yet, we live in a world constantly vying to meet our needs and desires in false, inadequate ways. Today we’ll explore how to walk in the light by looking to the light to meet all of our needs. As we re-train ourselves to seek God first for satisfaction, may we find how abundantly beyond our imaginings the Lord’s sufficiency is for us. Get your copy of Catalyst MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 13
Living Fully Known

As we are called to the light, we are called to be fully known. Many of us shudder at the thought of complete, total vulnerability, and fall subject to the lie that we could never be fully loved if someone saw all of us. Today we’ll explore why being fully known before God is so important and life-giving. May you walk away today free from shame and fear after having faced a holy God vulnerably and having encountered his unconditional love. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 12
Jesus is the Light

As we learn this week of the light of God, today we’ll look to Jesus who is the Light. What does this mean about the Lord? And what does this mean for us personally? May our eyes behold him today, as we search out the source of goodness, beauty and holiness. May our hearts grow in wonder, worship and awe. And may our lives be forever transformed at the sight of him. Get your copy of Catalyst MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 11
We are Called to the Light

As we continue our week on living in and pursuing the light, today we’ll explore how we as God’s people are called out of darkness and to the light. Our new inheritance as God’s saints is to step out of hiding, and walk in full vulnerable honesty before God and man. May you be strengthened in grace and integrity today as you’re re-envisioned toward your calling to the light. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 10
Light and Dark

We live in the reality that there is both light and darkness around us at all times. This world has both good and evil, right and wrong. As believers we must grow in both our acceptance of this reality and our pursuit of the light. We must allow God to mold and shape us into those who rid ourselves of any darkness, become fully known to God, and allow his light to transform us into reflections of his Son. May the Lord open our eyes to see the glorious light before us this week. Get your copy of Catalyst MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 09
Our Righteousness in Jesus Christ

In today’s First15 we wrap up our week on living an unveiled lifestyle by looking at our righteousness in Jesus Christ. Acknowledging the new nature we’ve been given in God is absolutely critical in live life to the fullest, having the fullest experience of God and interior abundance in him. May you see yourself in light of the finished work of Christ today as we make space to see the new nature we’ve been given by God’s grace. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 08
The Omnipresence of God

As we near the end of our week on living an unveiled lifestyle, we’re going to take time today to discover and reflect on the omnipresence of God. The tearing of the veil at Jesus’ death tells us that God’s presence is no longer contained to a specific place, but wholly available. In fact Scripture tells us that we’re now the temple of God’s Spirit, that God’s presence is with us. May you have a profound sense of God’s nearness today as we look at the incredible availability of God’s presence. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 07
Faith Guides Us In

In today’s First15, we’re going to explore the connection between faith and living an unveiled lifestyle. There is so much life, peace, and joy for you if you will join God in the work he is doing, and has already done in your life. May your faith increase today, and may your experience of God’s presence deepen as we create space to seek God together. Discover our limited podcast series, MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 06
An Unveiled Lifestyle

As we continue our series on living an unveiled lifestyle today, we’re going to look at the essence of what an unveiled lifestyle is. May you hear and take the invitation of God to live differently, to live closer, to abide and rest in his presence in all you do today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 05
The Tearing of the Veil

As we continue our series on living an unveiled lifestyle, we’re going to take time today to look at the tearing of the veil at Jesus’ death. While all things are not yet restored, today we’re going to discover that the closeness humanity was missing with God has been restored. You and I are the temple of the Spirit, his presence is with us. May we gain a deeper knowledge and experience of God’s closeness today as we study the tearing of the veil. Discover our limited podcast series, MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 04
The Example of Moses

In our second day of looking at how to live an unveiled lifestyle, we’re going to apply the example of Moses to our own lives. Specifically, we’re going to look at the closeness he had with God, because it is the same God who loves you and I today. May God draw us closer to him, and give us eyes to see his face today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 03
Our Sin and the Holiness of God

In this week’s First15 we’re going to explore what it means to live with an unveiled lifestyle. It’s when we live our lives in light of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus that you and I begin to experience all his death was purposed to bring us. God longs for his children to walk in intimacy with him directly connected to his wellspring of love for us. May you experience a more tangible, loving, and powerful connection with your heavenly Father this week as we celebrate living life unveiled. Discover our limited podcast series, MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 02
Freedom in Spiritual Poverty

Today we’ll finish up our week on living poor in spirit by exploring how spiritual freedom is tied to spiritual poverty. May you be stirred up today to live free as you hold tightly to the truths of God’s kingdom. Abundant life is available to us now as we seek to live low and abide in Jesus. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Sep 01
How to Live Low

As we begin to wrap up our week on living poor in Spirit, today we’ll examine the life of Jesus as our example and how he always put others first. As we seek to understand how to live a lowly life of love, may you be envisioned and encouraged today to love God and others well. God wants to use you as a vessel of his grace and love in this world. Will you let him? MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Aug 31
The Blessing of Spiritual Poverty

A cornerstone to living poor in spirit is living with an acknowledgment of our need for God. We must learn to tap into our weakness and lean on Jesus in all things if we want to experience the blessing of God’s grace. The beauty of God’s way is that it will always turn the ways of our world on its head. To be strong you must become weak. To be rich, you must be poor. To find, you must lose. Discover our limited podcast series, MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Aug 30
Seeking Wealth in Heaven

Today as we continue our week on being poor in spirit, we’ll assess our hearts regarding storing up treasures on earth verses in heaven. We see this theme repeatedly in the words of Jesus, and it is my prayer we’re able to heed his words and embrace what they mean for us. As we seek to have one devotion today, may our hearts be fully open to the One who’s worthy. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Aug 29
Repentance and God’s Promised Forgiveness

Not one of us is without sin. And each of us lives with a need for consistent repentance and an active receiving of God’s forgiveness. This is so crucial to living poor in spirit. The beauty of our God is that his forgiveness is promised at our repentance. There is no fear or shame in God’s perfect love and mercy. May we learn to embrace this aspect of walking with the Lord rather than shy away from it. Discover our limited podcast series, MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Aug 28
Lifestyle of Grace

As we continue our week on becoming poor in spirit, today we’ll explore the concept of living a lifestyle of grace. Many of us struggle with pride and self-sufficiency. But those things are in stark opposition to what it means to live poor in spirit. When we choose the road of humility, we open ourselves up to a life dependent on God’s grace to sustain us, a life fueled by God’s power rather than our own. It is my hope today that we can learn to embrace our weakness, that God may be made strong in us. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Aug 27
Poor in Spirit

The biblical concept of being poor in spirit is foundational to every aspect of the Christian life. Foundational to salvation is a heart-level acknowledgment of our need for a Savior. Foundational to experiencing God’s love is acknowledging our great need of love. Foundational to heavenly peace and joy is an acknowledgment that this world truly offers us neither. If we want all that God in his grace offers, we must pursue a lifestyle of being poor in spirit. May you experience more of the depth of God’s love this week as you discover God’s heart to minister to those desperate for him. Discover our limited podcast series, MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Aug 26
Having Grace for Others

In the last day of our week-long focus on the parable of the prodigal son, we’re going to make space to set our eyes on the father in the story, and ask the Holy Spirit to make us more like him. Our ultimate calling is to grow up into the clearest reflection of who God is, as his children made in his image. And we see an incredible picture of who we are to be in the character of the father in the parable of the prodigal son. May we become more like our Father in heaven today as we look at his word, and spend time in his presence. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Aug 25