First15 Devotional



First15 is a daily devotional written to help you connect with God. Each day, the devotional features scripture, a devotional thought, guided prayer, and action steps. For more information, please visit To hear the music from the devotional, search for First15 Worship on Spotify or Apple Music. Tags: First15 Devotional, First 15, First15 Worship, Devotional

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2271 episodes

Encountering God through Prayer

Prayer is so simple, but often times our minds convolute and complicate it. Today we’re exploring how to encounter God through prayer, and I pray you take away a simplified, childlike approach to spending time with your heavenly Father. May your heart and mind be at peace today as you encounter the living God. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 18
Encountering God through Faith

Having consistent and transformational encounters with God while on earth is meant to be foundational to the Christian life. Our God has not left us. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we’ve been filled with the very Spirit of God who longs to reveal to us daily the nearness and love of our heavenly Father. We are never alone. There is nowhere we can flee from the presence of our God. May this week be filled with transformational encounters with the living God as we learn what it is to seek the face of the one who has formed us, knows us, and loves us unconditionally. Help keep First15 free! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 17
Overcome Evil with Good

In our final episode of this week long series on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re looking at God’s command to overcome evil with good. May God show us the pathway to his power today, and illuminate specific ways we can overcome evil with good today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 16
Live in Harmony

As we near the end of our series on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re going to explore together what it means to live in harmony with one another. There’s hardly a better feeling than being in harmony with those that are close to you. We were created for close, thriving relationship with God and others. And God in his power and love wants to equip us to build and keep harmony, even in the midst of our brokenness. May God give us wisdom, and empower us to walk the path of humility and love as we seek to live in harmony today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 15
Rejoicing and Weeping with Others

In today’s First15, we’re going to continue our series on the marks of a true Christian by looking at Paul’s encouragement to rejoice and weep with others. One of the most powerful acts of love we can make is to follow the way of empathy and compassion. Jesus allowed himself to be burdened by others burdens, pained by their pain. And may we follow the way of our Savior today as we spend time in his word, and in his presence. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 14
Bless Those Who Persecute You

In the middle of our week on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re looking at Paul’s command to bless those who persecute you. Truly blessing those around us that seem to be against us is an incredible act of love, producing fruit not only in the lives of others, but in our lives as well. May God give us insight into his heart for this command today, as well as the courage to live it out. Support First15 and double your gift! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 13
Rejoice in Hope

In our third episode in this week-long series on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re going to explore together what it means to rejoice in hope. In a world that can so often bring us down, so often appear to be without hope, today we have the opportunity to make room for God to give us his perspective, that we might rejoice in his hope. May God give us wisdom, joy, and eternal perspective today as we make space for him to fill. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 12
Be Fervent in Spirit

As we continue this week on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re going to look at what it means to be fervent in spirit. You were made to live with a fervent faith, zealous in response to God’s passionate love for you. May God fill all our hearts with his love in a meaningful, authentic way. And may we find the courage in him to live our faith passionately. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 11
Let Love be Genuine

This week in the First15 podcast, we're going to take a look at seven principles found in Romans 12 that describe the marks of a true Christian. The intent of studying this passage is not to condemn or lead you to comparison, but instead, let Paul's teaching fill you with a deep, transformative longing to wholeheartedly pursue the life God intends for you. Ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you, to see the grace He's placed upon your life by the blood of Jesus, so that you might walk more fully in the power and anointing of the Spirit. May you discover God's grace and perspective this week as you examine your life in light of this powerful passage of Scripture. Support First15 and double your gift! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 10
The Power of Faith

In today’s First15 we’re wrapping up our week on faith by looking at the power of faith. Trusting in God changes things. Faith is powerful. As we’re going to discover today, when we choose a lifestyle of faith, our life shifts and comes into greater alignment with God’s desires, his kingdom. May God fill our hearts with faith, and may our lives be filled with the fruit of trusting in our good and able God. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 09
Faith in Trials

Today we’re looking at a topic I think all of us can relate to, how to have faith in the midst of trials. All throughout Scripture we see examples of God’s people struggling with faith in the midst of challenges. Doubt is something so natural, so human. And the world teaches us that when things get tough, we need to take this life into our own hands and sort it out. But God has a better way for us – the way of faith. May God empower us with revelation today that would bear the fruit of steadfast faith, even in the midst of trials. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 08
The Marriage of Faith and Works

In today’s First15, we’re going to look together at the marriage of faith and works. One of my greatest struggles is working with God rather than for God. God cares deeply about our work, our impact in this life, but not because he needs us to serve him or work for him, but because he wants to work with us. He wants to give us a picture of his goodness and love at work in the lives of others, and he wants to deepen our relationship with him by identifying and empowering us in our unique calling. May we gain revelation today that would stick, that would transform our understanding and deepen our experience of the connection, the relationship between faith and works. Support First15 and double your gift! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 07
Praying in Faith

In today’s First15, we’re going to look at what it means to pray in faith. We have a good Father who listens to every word we pray, and knows every need of our hearts before we even ask for it. May God’s goodness become the foundation of our prayer, that we would learn to pray out of a place of belief instead of begging, and hope instead of doubt. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 06
Living by Faith

We’re in our third day in our series on Faith. Today we’re going to look in greater depth at how we can actually live by faith, experiencing every moment the incredible fruit that comes from trusting in the faithfulness of God. God is with you, and his heart is filled with love for you. May you find the strength and courage to trust in him today with all that you are. Support First15 and double your gift! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 05
Faith Comes by Hearing

In this week of First15, we’re focusing on faith. Living with our faith stirred up is absolutely foundational to living an abundant life. God is faithful no matter what. But faith allows us to have trust in that faithfulness, producing a peace and calmness in the midst of challenges that we desperately need. I pray that your faith would be stirred today as we look at the biblical principle, that faith comes by hearing. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 04
At the Heart of Faith

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith is the undercurrent of everything we do as followers of Jesus. Without faith we lose all that Christ died to give us while here on earth. It is by faith we access the peace, joy, guidance, love, and purpose that comes from restored relationship with our heavenly Father. In this week's First15, we’re going to seek an increase in faith in response to God’s faithfulness. May you experience a greater depth of intimacy with your living, Almighty, and loving heavenly Father. Support First15 and double your gift! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 03
Love Wins

In our final day of this week-long series seeking to put our faith to action, today we’re going to look at the victory we have in God’s love. As God’s people, he’s inviting us into his victory, a victory we so desperately need. May God establish us in his power today, and may chains fall off us and others as God guides us into a lifestyle of victory in him. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 02
Love Hopes

As we near the end of our series on love does, today we’re going to look at the role of hope in putting our faith into action. You and I need hope more than ever. We need God to give us fresh vision for the work he’s doing and will do in the world around us. And we need him to empower us to share that vision with others, that our perspective would be grounded in his goodness. May God fill us as his people with fresh hope in his presence today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jun 01
Love Forgives

In today’s podcast, we’re going to look at the role of forgiveness in putting our love into action. In God we have forgiveness for every sin we can commit. And that forgiveness not only washes us clean, but empowers us to become like our great Forgiver. Every day we’re wronged in some way. And every day is an opportunity to show others forgiveness, not because they deserve it, but because loving forgiveness is the way of our Good Shepherd, the author and founder of our faith. May God empower us to forgive as he does today.

May 31
Love Encourages

In today’s podcast we’re going to look at the role of encouragement in putting our love into action. In a world that constantly seems to beat us down, we’re in need of some real encouragement. God has an encouraging word to speak to everyone around you. And if we’ll make space to listen, he longs to share that word with us that we might see his kingdom advancing in the heart of another. May God encourage us today, and empower us to encourage another as we make space for his loving presence.

May 30
Love Makes Time for Others

In our third day of this series exploring how to put our faith into action, we’re looking at how we can love others by simply making time for them. The busier our schedules get, the harder it can be to make time for the needs of others. But we see in Jesus someone who while holding the power to save and heal the world, made time for the one. May God grant us his perspective and fashion us into his likeness today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 29
Love is Present

As we continue this week’s focus, seeking to put love into action, today we’re going to look at how simply being present can make all the difference in the life of another. As our world becomes more and more distracted, and takes less time to notice what’s happening in the life of another, may God empower us as his people to simply be present today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 28
Action Fueled by Love

James 2:26 tells us, “Faith apart from works is dead.” If we are going to experience the fullness of life offered to us through our faith we must be those who put our words into action. We must not profess to love God on Sundays and live as if he isn’t present, real, or good on Monday. May your faith come alive this week as you seek to be a doer of the word. Request your copy of our new kids devotional! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 27
Loving the Church

As we wrap up our week on loving people, we look today at how we can love the Church as God does. Jesus says we will be known by the way we love each other. Would people know you’re a Christian by the way you love your brothers and sisters? People are messy, it’s true. We all are. And yet Jesus saw our worth and loved us in the midst of our messiness. How can you mimic that same love today as you seek to love his Church? Today we’ll look at the perspective and affections of Jesus for his people. May our hearts and minds be transformed as a result. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 26
Loving Strangers

As we near the end of our week on loving people, today we shift to loving those we don’t know. We are all so busy, and most often unaware of those around us, becoming too focused on ourselves to notice others. Perhaps today God would shift our focus upward to see the faces we pass on the streets or on the elevator. How much could a kind word or smile help someone out having a rough day? Let’s try to take our eyes off ourselves and see those we pass every day and don’t seem to notice. Could God want to use you to minster to someone you don’t even know? Let’s find out. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 25
Loving Friends

On today’s podcast, we’ll be learning about what it means to be a friend who loves well. Think about your dearest friends. What role have they played in your life in the best and in the worst times? Does your heart fill with thankfulness as you acknowledge what a good gift God has given you in them? May we pinpoint exactly what it means to intentionally love our friends well today. May we be filled with the love of Jesus and grace of God to go out of way to love and minister to those special people in our lives today. Request your copy of our new kids devotional! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 24
Loving Family

As we continue in our week of loving people well, today we’re going to learn about loving family. For some this is an easy task, but for many this is a little more difficult. The beauty of it is, our God is with us every step along the way. He has purpose and power for you in loving the family in which he’s placed you. Our families have the potential to be our greatest place of influence. How might he use you today to minister for his goodness and glory? Let’s take a closer look. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 23
Jesus is the Model

As we continue our week on loving people well, we’re going to fix our eyes on Jesus. What better example or model for how to love than the One who laid his life down for the world? Today may you catch a glimpse of this beautiful King who loves perfectly. May you not only get a picture of how you could love others, but experience his incredible love for yourself afresh. Request your copy of our new kids devotional! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 22
Seeing Past the Brokenness

We are all broken people, living in a broken world. It’s that simple. Unfortunately, no one is exempt from the effects of sin. The good news for all of us is that Jesus steps into the midst of our brokenness, is near to us and makes us whole in his love. What’s even more amazing is God wants to use you to see past the broken exterior to the hearts of the people in your life. Brokenness can often make us hard, bitter and difficult to deal with. But we’ve been given the call to see past that hard exterior and love people in the midst of their pain. In today’s podcast, we’re looking together at how we can see past the brokenness in others to love them well. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 21
Living Without Offense

Loving others is one of the most important and difficult commands Jesus gave us. We are a messy, needy, and broken people. We constantly have to deal with our own wounds and the wounds of others. But if we can learn to love others well, rich, life-giving relationship will be our reward. May you receive the love of your Father given you by his grace, and be empowered to love others this week as we look to grow in our obedience of Jesus’ command to love others. Request your copy of our new kids devotional! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 20