First15 Devotional



First15 is a daily devotional written to help you connect with God. Each day, the devotional features scripture, a devotional thought, guided prayer, and action steps. For more information, please visit To hear the music from the devotional, search for First15 Worship on Spotify or Apple Music. Tags: First15 Devotional, First 15, First15 Worship, Devotional

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Fullness of life and surrender are inextricably linked. As we begin to wrap up our week on diving into the fullness of life, today we’ll explore the concept of surrendering to Jesus. May you be encouraged instead of burdened and take whatever next steps necessary to give Jesus your all. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Mar 01

This week as we dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us, we’ll look today at the biblical concept of understanding and how it relates to experiencing God. May God shift your perspective today and bring you into greater fullness of life in your relationship with him. What’s beautiful about God is that no matter where you’re at in your walk with him, there is always more. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 28
Faith and Trust

Are you standing on sinking sand? Or do you feel the ground firm beneath your feet? Assess your heart in this moment. Are you living in fear? Are you shaken as things appear to be falling apart? Allow your answers to be indicators of whether or not you’re placing your faith and trust in God alone. The Lord is a firm foundation, and the only solid place to place your trust. In diving deeper today, we’re going to secure our foundation in the only steady hope—Jesus. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 27
Acknowledging Our Need

As we dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us this week, looking at the concept of acknowledging our need for God is essential. We will never taste the fullness of God’s sufficient grace until we learn to live low, acknowledging our need and weakness before the Lord. So many of us are fearful of appearing weak and work our fingers to the bone to feel sufficient within ourselves. The only path to true power and freedom comes through embracing our need and lack. May you experience that freedom and strength from God today. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 26
Honesty before Man

As we continue to dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us, today we’ll explore what it means to live honestly before man. In a world of facades and striving, God wants to offer us freedom and confidence to be fully who he has made us to be. May you learn to value honesty above all else in dealing with those around you and find joy and peace abundant. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 25
Honesty before God

God’s goodness over our lives far exceeds anything we’ve experienced. We’ve only yet splashed around in the shallows of God’s deep love and mercy. In order to dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us, we must learn how to posture our hearts. May your relationship with God be enriched this week as you position yourself to receive all your loving heavenly Father has to give. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 24
Living Honestly

In the last devotional in our series on honesty, today we’re going to focus simply on what it means to live honestly every day. My hope for today, is that God will empower us all to continue this journey of honesty and humility on a daily basis. Let’s open up our hearts in real, intentional ways today, as we experience the power and love of our heavenly Father. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 23
Freedom in the Light

As we near the end of our week on honesty, today we’re going to discover together how there is freedom in the light. Any part of our lives in which we’re walking in darkness, living isolated and unknown, makes space for our hearts to be chained to thoughts and temptations God wants to set us free from. So may the Spirit lead us into the light today, and may we find the courage to follow him. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 22
Fully Loved

As we continue our week focusing on honesty, today we’re going to look at how true honesty affords us the ability to be more fully loved. At the foundation of it all, we’re all searching for love. And the fullness of love can only be experienced when we allow true love to find its way into every part of us by bringing who we fully are into our relationships. May God love us powerfully today as we make space to be more honest with him and ourselves. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 21
Fully Known

As we hit the middle of our week on honesty, today we’re going to explore how being truly honest, or living fully known, is critical to experiencing fullness of life. There may be nothing more terrifying to me than being fully known, but I also know there is nothing more liberating than being my full self with those closest to me. May God replace fear with faith today as we experience his grace and love right now. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 20
Tearing Down Walls

In today’s First15, we’re continuing our focus on honesty by looking at how we can tear down walls we’ve built up in God’s presence every day. There is true life in vulnerability. And if we can trust God to be our shield, living with openness and love towards him, ourselves, and others, we’ll experience a greater abundance of life than we thought was possible. Let’s come before God today with courage, trust, and humility. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 19

In day two of our series on honesty, today we’re going to look at the temptation to build a façade and invite God to tear it down as we seek to live more honestly. May God show you how loved you are, just as you are. And may his love bring you freedom and life as we rest in his presence right now. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 18
Honesty is the Foundation

Today we’re launching a brand-new series, looking at the role of honesty in getting the most out of our time alone with God, and the most out of life. And we’re starting that series off by looking today at how honesty is the foundation. May God give us the courage to be who we truly are with him, with ourselves, and with others today. And may newfound freedom be the fruit in our hearts and lives. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 17
Living from the Heart

In the last devotional of this series on God’s pursuit of our hearts, we’re wrapping it all up by looking at what it means to live from the heart. There are so many places to live from, so many different ways to go about a day. But God, in his power and love, wants to free us to live from the heart, to share with the world who we truly are, and how he is fully meeting with us. May God use our time today to empower us to advance his kingdom in meaningful, authentic ways. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 16
The Spirit and the Heart

As we near the end of our week looking at how God is after our hearts, today we’re going to look at how the Holy Spirit connects with the heart, and take time to today to invite the Holy Spirit to do a meaningful work in and through us. There’s no greater gift God gives every day than the gift of relationship with him through the Spirit. May he come and meet us right now, and reveal God’s love in a fresh way. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 15
Be Who You Are

In today’s First15, we’re going to look at the opportunity God gives us every day, to simply be who we are. His pursuit of our hearts frees us as we experience his unconditional, all-encompassing love. So as we open our hearts to his loving pursuit today, I pray that God would do a mighty work of freedom in our hearts. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 14
An Open Heart

In the middle of our week looking at how God is after our hearts, in today’s devotional we’re going to focus on what it means to live with an open heart. Every day, every moment is an opportunity to live with an open heart, or to live with walls up around our hearts. And God’s pursuit of us, his steadfast love, affords us a pathway to open ourselves with confidence and security. May he fills us with courage and grace today as we experience his nearness together. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 13
Identity of the Heart

In our third day discovering the reality that God is after our hearts, today we’re going to look at how our hearts reveal our identity.May God call out from within us who he’s truly made us to be as we draw near to him in his presence. See how First15 transformed Houston’s life—watch his powerful story now! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 12
Made for Relationship

In our second devotional seeking to discover God’s pursuit of our hearts, today we’re going to spend time looking at our true purpose, why you and I were created. Every day, every moment is an opportunity to choose the purpose for which we’re living. But only living in line with our true purpose has the power the produce an abundant life. May God reveal his purpose behind our creation today, and may he make central to our lives his pursuit and love in a fresh way. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 11
God's Relentless Pursuit

In today’s First15devotional we’re beginning a brand new series, focusing on the fact that God is first and foremost, after our hearts. In a world that defines us by what we do, God looks at who we are. May we openly accept his gaze today, with faith in our hearts that he always looks at us with grace. And may his pursuit of our hearts stir up a pursuit within us of his heart, setting out every morning to experience the fullness of his love and compassion. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 10
Abiding in God’s Joy

As we end our week today on abiding in the True Vine, today we’ll explore how to abide in God’s promised joy. What does it mean for us to walk in joy and be people marked by joy in this world? How do we even go about doing that? May we be filled afresh with joy today as we seek these answers out. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 09
God Prunes Us in His Love

As we start to wrap up our week on different ways we are to abide in the true vine of God, today we’ll look at how God prunes us in his love. Discipline can often be a tricky subject, but it’s my hope our hearts would remain soft and open today as we remember how good and loving the God is that we serve. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 08
Abiding Fruit

Did you know God has plans for your life specifically? He has dreams for you and vision for you. Things in store that would make your heart swell and soar. What does it look like to live a life that brings God glory? How does abiding in Christ bear fruit in our lives? As we explore these concepts and more, may our hearts be open to God’s word and all he has to say. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 07
Abiding in God’s Friendship

Today we will look at what it means to be a friend of God. Friendship with God is a beautiful, sought after thing. And he has made his friendship fully available to us. What a gift! May you fall deeper in love with God today as you learn what it means to abide in God’s friendship. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 06
Abiding through Obedience

As we continue our week on abiding in true vine of God, today we’ll explore obedience and how it relates to abiding in God. Take a moment even now to open your heart to trust God afresh. He will always be for us, and know what is best for us in every part of life. He is so good. He is so kind. And he simply wants to walk with us. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 05
Abiding in the Heartbeat of God

As we look at the different ways we are to abide in true vine of God, today we’ll explore the concept of prayer. It is my hope today we walk away with simplified prayer lives. As you learn to seek out the heartbeat of God, may you grow in confidence in his love for you and those around you. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 04
Abide in the Vine

The absolute, most important single act of the children of God is making space to encounter our heavenly Father in the secret place. Abiding in God is the foundation on which every other aspect of the Christian life finds success. It establishes roots which enable us to receive all that we need to bear the fruit of the Spirit. It guides us to constant refreshment and revival in God’s presence, thereby supplying and sustaining the abundant life God intends for us. My prayer is that you would be marked by wonderful, satisfying, and fulfilling encounters with the presence of God as we look at John 15:1-17 this week. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 03
Do We Know Him?

As we end our week on God’s longing to be encountered, today we’ll examine our hearts and ask the most important question, “Do we know him?” As we take time today to fix our hearts on the single pursuit of Jesus, may your heart swell with fresh love and devotion for him. He alone is worthy of all our hearts. And today may you place your heart solely in his hands. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 02
Mystery is to be Sought Out

So much of our faith is shrouded by mystery. It is impossible to fully comprehend the grandeur and elaborateness of God with our limited human understanding. But as we’ve seen this week, we have a God who longs to be sought out. May your questions and wonderings about God and his creation only push you farther into seeking him. Because he has made it clear that if you’ll seek him, you will find him. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Feb 01
God Longs to Share His Will

The will of God is often a scary and difficult process to discern. But just as we learned earlier this week—God longs for us to know his voice. And God promises to speak his will to us in a way we’ll understand. My hope is that today you can rest at ease in total peace that your future is in God’s hands, and he’s got you. May you gain some insight about next steps for you today, and fresh peace in the midst of whatever season you’re in. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Jan 31