First15 Devotional



First15 is a daily devotional written to help you connect with God. Each day, the devotional features scripture, a devotional thought, guided prayer, and action steps. For more information, please visit To hear the music from the devotional, search for First15 Worship on Spotify or Apple Music. Tags: First15 Devotional, First 15, First15 Worship, Devotional

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2242 episodes

Living Without Offense

Loving others is one of the most important and difficult commands Jesus gave us. We are a messy, needy, and broken people. We constantly have to deal with our own wounds and the wounds of others. But if we can learn to love others well, rich, life-giving relationship will be our reward. May you receive the love of your Father given you by his grace, and be empowered to love others this week as we look to grow in our obedience of Jesus’ command to love others. Request your copy of our new kids devotional! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 20
The Simplicity of Grace

As we wrap up this week of simple Christianity, today we look at grace. Many of us are so hard on ourselves and struggle to allow ourselves to taste the grace the Father has for us. We look to earn love and acceptance in this world, but God’s way of grace couldn’t be more different from the world who tells us we are what we do. May today be a breath of fresh air as you encounter the grace of God that requires nothing in return.

May 19
The Simple Truth of Freedom

As we near the end of our week on simple Christianity, we look today at the simple truth of our freedom in Christ. Our sin and bondage often feels like a convoluted web that entangles us. Satan would like nothing more than to keep us foggy and confused about the freedom and righteousness bought for us through the precious blood of Jesus. Today I’m praying that chains are broken in God’s presence. May we gain clarity and deep understanding of the freedom afforded to us as children of God. May we adopt the simple truth of our freedom and truly be set free. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 18
The Discipline of Simplicity

Today we are going to explore the actual discipline of simplicity by answering questions like, What does it mean to simplify life? How would Jesus have us actually simplify our lives? How can embracing simplicity enrich our day to day experience? May your heart and mind be open to all the wisdom and goodness God has for you today. And may you find comfort in making Jesus your one necessary thing. Request your copy of our new kids devotional! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 17
Rest in God

As we continue our week on simple Christianity, we have the joy today of discovering what it means to truly rest in God. In all the stress and hurry of life, don’t we all need to find even just a few moments of rest today? May God reorient the way you see him today, and show you his purpose and pleasure over his children taking time for true rest in him. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 16
A Life of Sacrifice

On the third day of our series on pursuing simple Christianity, we’re looking at what it means to live a life of sacrifice to God. May we discover what it means for our hearts, minds and will to be fully surrendered to Jesus, and in return may we find the abundant joy he has promised. He is trustworthy and true. And we will find the life God has planned for us when we surrender all to him. Request your copy of our new kids devotional!

May 15
Love People

As we continue our week exploring the simple principles of the Christian faith, today let’s look at what it means to love people. Many of us know that God asks us to love others, but often loving people is easier said than done. God knows our weaknesses, and any command he gives, he has a plan to empower us and give us grace to be obedient. As you explore how God may want you to love people today, may your heart be opened to his profound grace. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 14
Love God: It’s All about Relationship

This week we’re going to focus on the simplicity the Christian life is meant to be marked by. Jesus summed up our purpose with two statements: love God and love people. But in our humanity we have made complex what God designed to be peaceful, purposeful, and simple. A. W. Tozer remarks in The Pursuit of God, “Every age has its own characteristics. Right now we are in an age of religious complexity. The simplicity which is in Christ is rarely found among us. In its stead are programs, methods, organizations and a world of nervous activities which occupy time and attention but can never satisfy the longing of the heart. The shallowness of our inner experience, the hollowness of our worship, and that servile imitation of the world which marks our promotional methods all testify that we in this day, know God only imperfectly, and the peace of God scarcely at all. If we would find God amid all the religious externals, we must first determine to find Him, and then proceed in the way of simplicity.” May we discover the peace and joy that come from pursuing a simple Christianity this week. Request your copy of our new kids devotional! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 13
Love-based Simplicity

As we wrap up our week on the simplicity of love, today we’ll look at the concept of simplicity itself and what it means to have a solitary pursuit. As you fix your eyes on Jesus today, may you find that the weight of the world falls away. And may you choose the path of simplicity and love going forward living out in joy and peace. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 12
Love-based Obedience

God is the perfect parent. He is unlike anyone we’ve ever known, and his love is unlike anything we’ve experienced before. Imagine knowing your parent loved you perfectly, and that their intentions and motives behind giving you direction was literally perfectly loving? That’s how God is with us. His wisdom and direction is something we can trust implicitly because he can trust his heart toward us, and that truth makes obedience a joy. As we explore love-based obedience today, may your heart be open to the goodness of your loving Father. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 11
The Joy of a Love-based Life

Most of the time our emotional happiness is based on our life’s circumstances. As we continue our week on the simplicity of love, today we’ll be taking a look at the joy that comes from living a love-based life. Once we know that God’s love is for us always, unconditionally—no matter what, our hope is secure and joy is ours for the taking. May you walk in joy today as you lean into this love-based reality a bit more. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 10
All He Asks of Us is Love

It has been and always will be easy for people, especially religious people, to become focused on the wrong things in life. I constantly find myself making things more difficult or convoluted than they really are. The reality of this life with God is that all he asks of us is love. As we continue this week on the simplicity of love, today we’ll explore God’s heart on the subject. What does God require of us? What does he ask of us? May we take a step back today, examine our own hearts’ pursuits, and rest in the reality of how simple God’s love really is. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 09
His Love Has Set Us Free

There is nothing in the world more freeing than being loved as you are. Today we’ll be exploring how God’s love has set us free as we continue in our week of the simplicity of love. Having God’s love and affection from the start before giving him anything in return frees us from the burdens and weight of having to earn his love and strive for his affections. Today God wants us to step out in and fully live experiencing that freedom as beloved children. May your heart be even a little more free today after a fresh encounter with the Father’s love. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 08
His Love Has Redeemed Us

As we explore the simplicity of love this week, today we’ll look at how God’s love has redeemed us. There is an amazing Brennan Manning quote that says, “In loving me, you made me lovable.” And that is basically the concept we’ll be unpacking today. God’s love has come in and given us meaning, beauty, redemption, and purpose. It is through God loving us that we become sons and daughters; we become saints. I hope today you’ll open your heart up to this life-changing love, and never be the same again. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 07
His Love Pursues Us

1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” The greatest of all aspects of the Christian life is love. Love is to be at the foundation of all we do, all we are, and all we hold on to. If we focus on love and allow the Holy Spirit to strip everything else away, what will be left is a life of blessed simplicity rooted in face-to-face relationship with our heavenly Father. As we spend time this week looking at the simplicity of love, I pray that all the weighty, frivolous things of the world that rob you of an abundant life fall away in light of the glorious goodness of God’s unconditional and wholly available love for you. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 06
God is a Fun Father

God loves to exceed our expectations and break our boxes. Today’s topic does just that. As we end our week, today we’re exploring God’s attributes that make him a fun, joyful Father. Let’s allow God to reshape our notion of him and free our hearts up to enjoy just how good God really is. He is better than anyone we’ve ever known, and it’s my hope today we can see that with clear eyes. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 05
God Disciplines Us in Love

Discipline can be a tricky subject. Many of us have not seen discipline done well, and no one really loves being disciplined or having something they’ve done wrong pointed out. But something we must keep in mind with our heavenly Father is that he loves perfectly, so discipline must be a part of his perfect love. As we wrap up our week of looking at who God is, this is a crucial topic we have to look at to engage with all the ways God loves us. As we dig deeper today, may our hearts be open to God’s loving perspective on correction for our good. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 04
God Encourages Us

As we continue our week on God being our Father, we look today at how God encourages us. There is nothing like an encouraging word from the Father when we’re feeling low and discouraged. Sometimes life can be daunting, and our good Father knows just what to say when we need to hear it most. If you’re feeling discouraged today, I pray the Lord speaks courage to your weary heart and strengthens your weary bones to keep running the race set before you. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 03
God is Our Provider

In the kingdom of God, we find a culture different from that of our world. We are often taught to be self-made, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and that it’s the survival of the fittest. God’s kingdom turns these principles on their head. We are encouraged to wait, trust, and receive from our God who supplies for our every need. Does your life mimic one of trust and waiting? One of open hands and thankfulness? Today as we move forward in our week of God being our Father we’ll look at his provisional nature. As we learn of God’s intentions to meet our every need, open your heart today to trust in this God who’s our Provider. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

May 02
God is Present

Many of us deal with a fear of abandonment, rejection, or loneliness, and often for good reason. The beautiful thing about our heavenly Father is that he is present in our lives, and we are never alone. As we continue our week looking at the ways God is good to us, open your heart today to the very tangible presence of your Father, even now in your midst. Allow truth to permeate the broken places and make you confident and whole in God’s ever-present love.

May 01
The Patient Passion of God

In our fallen state, patience isn’t something we find very often in ourselves or others. I don’t know if I know one person who has perfectly displayed patience for me, myself included. What’s incredible about our Father in heaven is that he is an endless well of patience. He has patience in abundance, and it never runs out for us. Today allow God to reorient the way you understand him and his heart towards you. He is slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, unlike anyone we’ve ever known. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 30
An Unconditional Love

There is no better father than our Creator God. He formed us and knows us. He provides for us, loves us unconditionally, and longs for a real, life-giving relationship with us. He runs out to meet us in our sin, clothes us with a new identity, and restores to us the abundant life he has always planned for us. As we spend time looking at the father’s heart, may a fresh revelation of his love for you guide you into greater depths of relationship with your heavenly Father. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 29
God the Giver of Courage

In today’s devotional, we wrap up our week on God giving good gifts by looking at how God is the giver of courage. Fear is something that plagues us all in this life. But our Father’s way is better. The Lord wants to cast out all fear with his perfect love and empower you to live boldly, full of courage and confidence. Open your heart today in light of God’s love. Let go of anything holding you back from abundant life, and step forward with Jesus into fearless living. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 28
God the Giver of Strength

In today’s devotional, we’re going to explore and experience the ways God gives us strength. There is not much better than becoming aware of our weakness and being met by God’s strength and grace in the midst of it. God fills in all the places we lack, and he wants to hold you up and strengthen you today in your weakness. We can release the need to appear strong because we have a very strong God on our behalf. May you experience the embrace of the Father today as you draw near. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 27
The Lord Gives Direction

As we near the end of our week on God giving us good, heavenly gifts, we’re going to take time today to discover and reflect on the ways God gives us direction. Sometimes life can be confusing, and it is difficult to know which decisions to make. Thankfully, we have a Father who has sent his Spirit to speak and lead us through life’s winding paths. He has a plan for each of our lives, and he desires to partner with us to watch it unfold. May you find rest today in the direction God brings. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 26
The Lord Gives Contentment

In today’s devotional, we’re going to explore the way God gives us contentment in the midst of every season and place he plants us. May you walk in immense satisfaction today as you open your heart and mind to the Lord’s presence and truth. As you fix your eyes on Jesus and trust him, I pray you experience rich contentment today in God’s love and provision. Get your copy of today! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 25
God Gives Peace

As we continue our series on God the Giver of Gifts, we’re going to take time today to look at the peace God is faithful to give. We all need peace in this chaotic world, and thankfully God has an abundance of it, which he wants to lavish on his children. Open your heart today, be still, and take in the peace of heaven. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 24
God Our Great Deliverer

Today as we continue to explore ways God is a wonderful, giving Father, we’re going to focus on the delivering power of God to set the captive free and rescue his people. Wherever you find yourself today, know that God is a safe rescue and the deliverer of our souls. He loves you mightily and is working on your behalf at all times. May that truth bring you immense peace and comfort as you experience his presence. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 23
God the Giver of Comfort

Our heavenly Father is the giver of every good gift. This week in the First15 devotional we’re going to explore the different gifts only God can give. His mercies are vast, powerful, and real. His love has the ability to completely overwhelm and satisfy every one of our needs. Everything he gives us satisfies, transforms, and leads us to abundant life. As we spend this week stirring up our affections toward God, allow your heart to become soft and open. Allow his loving character to draw you close and provide life to every dry and weary place in your soul. Get your copy of today! MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 22
God Desires to be Encountered

In today’s podcast, we’re going to respond to God’s open invitation to seek his face. God desires to meet with you just as you are. So great was his desire for real, restored relationship with you, that he would send his only Son. May the weights and cares of the world fall off of your shoulders today as you set out to seek the heart of your good and loving Father. MORE FROM FIRST15 __ __

Apr 21