WAKE UP! with Joni

Joni Caldwell Lerner: Leadership and Life Strategist Coach


"WAKE UP! with Joni" is about living your best life right now. With Joni and her guests, you will learn how you can create the most powerful and immediate movement in your own life.The intention is to inspire you to take charge of your experience and live with utmost aliveness. How do you better navigate the world in a conscious and curious way? By utilizing the concepts and building blocks for emotional intelligence, the power of the Universal Law of Attraction, new perspectives and much, much more.

Music by Sounds of Sion https://soundcloud.com/soundsofsion
Vocals Stella Smyth

Available on


174 episodes

JOHN ENGLISH: The Medicine Wheel - Transformation is Yours + End Separateness & Suffering + Live a Life of Freedom

Do you want to be free? Connected? Happy? Today's guest is best selling author, shaman and leadership coach John English who tells you exactly how you can use the Medicine Wheel as the ultimate tool for transformation and freedom by working with the power that is life.  The Next MEDICINE WHEEL BEGINS APRIL 25TH - 28TH, 2024 - contact John, Joni or Ivory for more information or to enroll. We are happy to have a complementary conversation with you. TO REACH JONI:  https://calendly.com/wakeupwithjonicoaching or wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com TO REACH DR. IVORY RAYE: Rayenaturopathic.com (719) 201-5589  ADDITIONAL DATES OF FUTURE MEDICINE WHEELS: SEPTEMBER 26TH - 29TH  

Apr 01, 2024
DR. TONI GALARDI: Change the whole conversation about breast cancer and your body + What does your Soul most want? + Root Causes of Cancer vs Symptoms + Precursors to cancer + How to prevent it!

This conversation examines Dr. Toni Galardi's latest best selling book "BreastQuake" which is "a personal journey through healing naturally mostly DIY (do it yourself) from breast cancer along with in-depth evidence based research into the root causes of breast cancer. It examines the role that body shame, food addiction, toxic partnerships, career burnout, certain careers shown to be occupational hazards, childhood trauma, and chronic stress plays in the formation of breast cancer cells."  We do a deep dive into preventing breast cancer from taking hold and what you can do if confronted with your own diagnosis. What are the precursors? Are you at risk and what can you do the head it off at the pass? We discuss how she took back power and embarked on a successful road to healing without surgery, radiation or chemo. Dr. Toni will get you thinking, provide insight, inspiration and hope.   Go to DRTONIGALARDI.COM for all services and info on Dr. Galardi's work. "BREASTQUAKE" Current Best Selling Book - https://www.amazon.com/BreastQuake-Healing-Preventing-Radiation-Chemotherapy/dp/B0CKQB3QLG Other book offerings: "THE LIFEQUAKE PHENOMENON: HOW TO THRIVE (NOT JUST SURVIVE) IN TIMES OF PERSONAL AND GLOBAL UPHEAVAL" "THE LIFEQUAKE MIRACLE" https://www.amazon.com/LifeQuake-Miracle-Awakening-Personal-Upheaval/dp/1627878025/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2OA9Y4EZWSYYX&keywords=dr+toni+galardi&qid=1702407486&s=books&sprefix=dr+toni+galardi%2Cstripbooks%2C156&sr=1-3   

Dec 12, 2023
DR. IVORY RAYE: Mini Podcast on the What, Where, When and Why Supplements are Important + What's Right for you?

Dr. Raye and I discuss and quick guide to the importance of supplements, where to begin and why take them.  https://www.rayenaturopathic.com/about INFO@RAYENATUROPATHIC.COM https://fullscript.com/ (719) 201-5589 wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com

Nov 27, 2023
DR. IVORY RAYE: Boosting your Immune System + Prepare for and Manage your Holidays + Sleep Tips + Setting Your Intention for Success & Happiness + Improve Digestion + Let Go of Expectations + New Traditions

Join us for a fun and candid conversation about how to navigate your holidays and seasons with intention. We discuss tips, tricks, and hacks on how to create a new experience with mindful planning. This season, let go of the stress and anxiety that touches about 80% of the population and flow through your life with Grace.  CONTACT DR. IVORY AT (710) 201-5589 FOR A CONSULT OR APPOINTMENT CONTACT JONI CALDWELL LERNER AT WAKEUPWITHJONI@GMAIL.COM FOR COACHING OR PODCASTS SUGGESTIONS!

Nov 21, 2023
DR. KAYE RENSHAW: Navigating Empowered Sexuality + Healing Self Imposed Limitations + Living a Life of Truth and Freedom

Heathy Sexuality!!! Dr. Kaye Renshaw, Licensed Professional Counselor is in private practice in Amarillo Texas where she has practiced for 29 years. Join us for a fascinating look at being human and how you can improve your relationships and connections across the board. Dr. Renshaw works with individuals, couples and families in all areas of general psychology and concerns with sexuality throughout the life span. No topic was off limits!  Dr. Renshaw practices in office at 7480 Golden Pond Place, Suite 400, Amarillo Texas, 79121. She also offers via secure web platform. Contact Dr. Renshaw: KAYE.RENSHAW@GMAIL.COM Referenced Resources:  LOVE AND SEX AFTER 60 - Holly WrightSex After 70: The Definitive GUIDE TO MAKING LOVE AFTER 70 -  Holly Wright  COUPLE SEXUALITY AFTER 60 Barry McCarthy and Emily McCarthy MORE GREAT SEX AFTER 50 - Eve Cappello SEX AFTER SEVENTY: IT GETS BETTER: THE DETAILED SEX GUIDE FOR MATURE THINKING ADULTS AND FOR SENIORS  -  James A. Grant To Contact Joni for Coaching: WAKEUPWITHJONI@GMAIL.COM  

Oct 24, 2023
JONATHAN RAYMOND: Simple Actionable Tools to Live Authentically and Powerfully + Are you a Superman or a Yoda? + Leadership and Communication Tools at Work and Home + What's in the World is a "Quinion?"

Leadership expert, CEO, owner of the leadership coaching Company REFOUND.com Jonathan Raymond joins me today for a fun and fabulous conversation about how to enforce your strengths and identify your weakness' in order to take your power back. Do you live as a sovereign, empowered person and leader most of the time? If not, hear how you can start today by seeing your authority style, keep what works and delete what doesn't. How do you have a truly open conversation? Jonathan will give you the formula and you can start right now. https://www.refound.com/team-members/jonathan-raymond Jonathan's EMAIL: jonathan@refound.com Jonathan's Book: Good Authority: How to Become the Leader Your Team Is Waiting For  https://www.amazon.com/Good-Authority-Become-Leader-Waiting/dp/1940858194 Coach with Joni: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com  

1h 1m
Sep 18, 2023
KATE MACKINNON: Feng Shui Made Easy + Tips to Immediately Improve the Energy of your Space + Feng Shui for Health and Wellness + Easy to Follow HOME RESET Course!

Learn what you can do to create more abundance, health and wellness through Feng Shui. Kate MacKinnon, a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, who has successfully consulted for businesses and individuals for over 22 years bringing the power and magic of Feng Shui to homes, offices, buildings, and land worldwide. We are going to dive into what exactly the practice entails and why it's so powerful. HOW TO CONTACT KATE: To get your free 9 Feng Shui Tips or enroll in the Home Reset Course, go to: https://www.kate-mackinnon.com/designyou HOW TO CONTACT JONI: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com wakeupwithjoni.com    

Sep 05, 2023
BETTIE J SPRUILL: What We Care for and Care about Orients Us + When We are We and Not Just Me, there is More Happiness, More Joy, More Power + What does it Mean to be Interconnected?

Bettie Spruill is a world renowned executive coach, management consultant, entrepreneur, and trainer with 40+ years experience in the field of transformational leadership. She is also a certified Master NLP practitioner and a recognized thought leader in Ontological, Mindful and Ecological Living. And, she is an embodiment of grace and personal power. Bettie has been on my guest bucket list for some time and it is now that the stars have aligned. What better way to celebrate Lion's Gate than to have a conversation with the Queen. CONTACT BETTIE: ONTOLOGICALLIVING.COM CONTACT JONI: WAKEUPWITHJONI@GMAIL.COM WAKEUPWITHJONI.COM  

1h 5m
Aug 09, 2023
HEALERS OF TRINIDAD: You are Free to Live an Extraordinary Life + Can you Change + What is Purpose + Giving up Control + Walking Hand in Hand with Your Highest Self

Today's panel is made up of the local HEALERS of TRINIDAD, CO. The combined, wisdom, talent, kindness & love packs a punch as we talk about things that matter and the journey it takes to get where you're going. Join us as we delve into healing, waking, parenting, and being present. We really take a look at impactful concepts design to help you come off automatic and live your very best lives.  Where to find the panel: DR. IVORY RAYE - NATUROPATHY, ILLUMINATIONS & ENERGY WORK MEDICINE WHEEL WORKSHOPS - SEPTEMBER 21-24, 2023 HTTPS://WWW.RAYENATUROPATHIC.COM/ABOUT 719-201-5589 KATRINA'S MASSAGE THERAPY 719- 680-2424 LEVEL 1 & 2 REIKI WORKSHOPS COMING IN NOVEMBER HOT YOGA ON MAIN, TRINIDAD CO MEGAN & SONYA  719-422-3899 (TEXT FOR MASSAGE W/SONYA) https://hotyogaonmain.yoga/ CONTACT OR COACH WITH JONI: WAKEUPWITHJONI@GMAIL.COM WAKEUPWITHJONI.COM

1h 11m
Jul 28, 2023
MINI: Your GUT BIOME is Your Second Brain + 7 Ways to Improve your Gut Health + Gut Health is Connected to Alzheimers, Depression, Anxiety, Obesity & More!

You may or may not have heard but you have two brains. The discovery of the importance gut biome, what it is and how it effects health, longevity and cognition is a hot topic. Find out what it is and how you can take steps to improve your health and wellness through 7 Simple Steps.  If you wish to contact or coach with me: Wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com Wakeupwithjoni.com Spiritualaliveness.org To See More Joni join us on 2nd At TV with Silke Schqartzkof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkx4Ju4CpQ0&t=1s

Jul 27, 2023
MEDITATION: Stand Alone Episode - A Meditation written by Maureen Edwardson & Narrated by Me for Your Soul's Clearing

This is not a typical MINI episode. Get a pillow, get a blanket, and book yourself into your life with this amazing clearing mediation to help release and clear what is no longer working in your life. Save this episode and listen again and again.  To Contact Joni for Coaching or as a Podcast Guest: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com wakeupwithjoni.com

Jul 21, 2023
MINI: 10 Ways to Improve your HRV + What is Heart Rate Variability and How Does it Effect the Quality of Your Life?

Today we talk about a little known health measurement. Unless you're an athlete and you have been utilizing this important information to enhance performance, you are probably unaware of just how critical it can be to the quality of your life experience. It is something you can manage and improve with the right moves. Listen in as I break it down and give you something actionable to do! Contact Joni for questions or coaching: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com See more Joni on 2ndActTV.com  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OSxKetaLuc

Jul 19, 2023
SILKE SCHWARTZKOPF: Host & Producer of 2nd ACT TV + Dating + Healthy Relationships + Life after Divorce + Choosing Experience your Life Meticulously + Being Child Free + Life is What you Believe it to Be

Host of the hit youtube show 2nd Act TV joins me today to talk about how the show came about and what are the most important points for dating over a certain age, living life fully and choosing well in our later years. If you want a dose of hope, or a giggle, join us as we explore what you need to know in today's dating world and how to create a great life after divorce or losing your partner. Go to her websites for all episodes and special offerings: https://2ndact.tv/#sponsorship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYAHuvSVFXs&t=9s Contact Joni for Questions or Coaching: wakeupwithjoni.com or wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com

Jul 17, 2023
MINI: What the Heck are Chakras and How to I Harness the Magic? + Easy and Fun Ways to Meditate + Other Avenues to Mindfulness + Sound Baths, Yoga, Somatic Dance

Set up your environment to support how you want to live your life. If you want to meditate, set up a meditation station. We talk about chakras, crystals and all kinds of fun stuff. Don't judge it until you've tried it. Then it's up to you. If you want to dance, pick out some music and comfy clothes and dance like now one is watching. If you want to change your life, start today with this podcast. Contact Joni at wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com for podcast ideas or coaching.  wakeupwithjoni.com

Jul 07, 2023
MINI: Curating your Environment to Win + Choose your Words Wisely + Importance of Vibration + What's the Difference Between Prayer & Meditation?

Today's grab bag of goodies includes a visitation to the power of your words on your experience of life, the necessity of oxygen and mindfulness, the power of prayer and meditation and why indeed, would you do any of it?  To Contact Joni Caldwell Lerner, Host and Life Coach: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com wakeupwithjoni.com

Jul 05, 2023
GAY HENDRICKS: We discuss his longtime best selling book THE BIG LEAP + Identifying & Overcoming Self Sabotage + What is your Zone of Genius?

Best selling author psychologist and teacher in the field of personal growth, relationships, and body intelligence, Gay Hendricks joined me in 2019 for this powerful conversation. To honor him and the impact of his work, I am reposting this golden nugget where we discuss his long standing best seller, THE BIG LEAP in detail. This book is a game changer. He challenges you to really look at what, in your own thinking, is holding you back. He calls it "Upper Limiting". Identify and break through your self imposed limitations and soar! Connect with Dr. Hendricks: www.hendricks.com https://www.hendricks.com @heartsintrueharmony.com Connect with Joni Lerner: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com  

1h 0m
Jul 03, 2023
MINI: Where does your time go? + Can you reallocate your life hours for more connection and aliveness? + Put more time and effort into the things that bring you superior health and energy!

Do you spend time planning and preparing ahead as self care? There is no greater investment than in your physical health and the health of your relationships. Put on your oxygen mask and take care of yourself first to be fully available for whatever you are putting out into the world -- be it family or business. Plan food ahead of time. Cut your hours spent watching tv or computer games and reallocate to prepare a beautiful and connected life. Outsmart time. Get creative. Adopt healthy habits now and for a lifetime. To contact Joni for coaching: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com wakeupwithjoni.com

Jun 30, 2023
MINI: How Critical is Water? + Alkaline vs Acidic Food and Drinks + What your Body Need to Operate on All Cylinders

Ever wonder why people who are healthy and energetic are the way they are? It's likely they are taking care of themselves through food, drink and movement that supports that. But how and what does that mean? Today, we dive into H2O, drinking, and what I mean by eat and drink more alkaline to feel like a million bucks! Wakeupwithjoni@gmail .com Wakeupwithjoni.com

Jun 28, 2023
JOHN ENGLISH: Which Direction of the Medicine Wheel Were you Born Under? + Guide Your Life with Meaning Purpose and Power + Ancient Wisdom for Your Modern Life

Join in a conversation with Shaman and Leadership Expert, John English as he explains the Medicine Wheel, what it means to be in balance and out when born under a specific direction and how to navigate life with ease. JOHN'S UPCOMING EVENTS WITH DR. IVORY RAYE:  , August 12, 2023  Colorado Sept 21-24, 2023  Colorado To get more information or enroll, contact Dr. Ivory at  AncientWisdom4Healing@gmail.com  TO CONTACT JONI: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com wakeupwithjoni.com

Jun 26, 2023
MINI: The Battle for Your Health and Powerful Body Begins and Ends at the Grocery Store + Let's Talk All Things Food Shopping

Let's talk about where, how often, and how to choose and shop well for your personal goals. What kind of food do you need and what to do about how often to eat or how. Tips for shining a light on what is true now, where you want to go and how to get there.  wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com wakeupwithjoni.com

Jun 23, 2023
MINI: Organize and Plan your Life to Support your Highest Health and Wellness Goals + Invest In, Nurture, Manage and Love your Body & Soul

Today's Mini focuses on how to set yourself up to win for a healthy body and life. What actionable things can you do today, to start making significant changes? Begin a new foundation that nourishes  yourself and your family. Easy, simple suggestions to begin and new way. Wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com WakeupwithJoni.com

Jun 21, 2023
KIMBERLY BEST: How You Get to Write the Last Chapter of Your Life and How that Applies No Matter What your Age Now + Critical, Heartfelt & Fun Conversation about Living Life Fully to the End + Agile Conflict Resolution and Mediation Solutions

"If our ending is our death it's not about dying well, it's about living well, all the way to the end." Kim Best is a powerful conflict mediation expert who has help people resolve issues in business, personal and end of life scenarios for years. Her passion and her mission is to Wake people Up to empowering themselves, their relationships and their loved ones to very end. This loving and lighthearted dive into things people may avoid is a perfect first step to your freedom and theirs. Where to find Kimberly Best: BestConflictSolutions.com kim@bestconflictsolutions.com Kim's Book: “How to Live Forever: A Guide to Writing the Final Chapter of Your Life Story” https://www.amazon.com/How-Live-Forever-Writing-Chapter/ Where to find Joni: Wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com Wakeupwithjoni.com

Jun 19, 2023
MINI: Act as If You Already Feel Like a Million Bucks + Live a Worthy Life + Permission to Live a Fully, Wildly Vibrant Life

What if you lived your life as if you have already achieved all the dreams? Imagine the experience of feeling worthy, healthy, grounded and whole every single day. Today, you can make a start on moving toward living your most powerful life.  Wakeupwithjoni.com wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com

Jun 16, 2023
MINI: Step Out of Your "Fat Suit" and Set Yourself Free + My Battle with Weight + Overcoming the Odds

In this mini, I talk about my personal journey of drastically losing my health and the Hero's Journey back to wellness. It is the reason for this current series of health and wellness podcasts which are meant to inspire and encourage your own Hero's Journey to your highest health.  xoxo Wakeupwithjoni.com @wakeupwithjoni wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com

Jun 14, 2023
JEN MURPHY: Clear and Confident Speech + Up Your Skills in Presenting + Learn to Create a Road Map + Wake Up to Your Communication Differences + A Call to Action

Communication and Speech expert, Jen Murphy, SLP, joins us today with actionable nuggets on how to become a better communicator, listener, presenter and partner in both your business and personal lives. She is delightful in this amazing conversation about how you too, can makes shifts and improvements in your mindset, content and delivery. Learn the "Four A's" to powerful presentation and the sky's the limit!  Where to find more information on Jen and Clear and Confident Speech Coaching and for her complimentary 15 minute offering: ccspeechcoach.com Where to find me:  wakeupwithjoni.com @wakeupwithjoni wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com

1h 2m
Jun 12, 2023
MINI: Food is Your Friend + Practical Changes for a Lasting Shift + Being Hungry is Okay + The Battle Begins and Ends at the Grocery Store

Our health and wellness journey continues as we address the practical and incremental changes you can make to change your health quickly and permanently.  Are you resistant to change or surrender? Listen to this little mini for inspiration and ideas on where to start! Where to find Joni: wakeupwithjoni.com Wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com @wakeupwithjoni

Jun 09, 2023
MINI: Feel the Feels + Life Style Change + Create a Conscious Shift in your Reality, Health and Wellness

In this mini, we continue to look at how to totally shift your physical, mental and spiritual wellness through a profound life style change. How do you create a conscious shift? Continue the journey into your new reality and heightened energy! Wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com Wakeupwithjoni.com @wakeupwithjoni

Jun 07, 2023
CHRIS BALE (TB) : Sexual Alchemist + Relationship Expert + Master Energy Worker + Orgasm as your Birthright

TB to the most popular podcast in Wake-Ups history, Chris Bale. He is a spiritual mentor who has worked with thousands of people to help them Wake Up and unleash their healthiest energetic and sexual selves. He believes that anyone can be orgasmic and it is their birthright. Listen as this candid conversation unfolds and addresses things that need to be illuminated. I LOVE this podcast.  To Find Chris Bale: www.awakenedintent.com @chrisbaleawakened To Find Joni: www.wakeupwithjoni.com @wakeupwithjoni

1h 8m
Jun 05, 2023
MINI - Don't Live Life from "As Soon As..." + Life's In Session + Be Willing to Be Willing to Change + How to Protect Your Energy + Addressing Body Dysmorphia

Do you say, "As soon as I (xy or z)", then I will be happy or successful or whole? Stop that. Be willing to be willing to take a look, let go and set yourself free.  Contact Joni: wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com To see more of Jon watch her 2nd Act TV appearancesi:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnsF5MBa8hk&list=PLgLYhw2N4FcsR6rKx8XuoXJTBxbONd_ny&index=2  

Jun 02, 2023
MINI: What's Your Relationship to the Physical Form + Letting Go of Judgement + Do Diets Work + Getting Off the Hamster Wheel

What is your relationship to yourself, your body and your health? What are the beliefs that you have inherited that effect the way you see yourself? Can you let go of judging yourself? Taking an honest look at diets and do they work? What wil? To Set up a Free Consult with Joni: Wakeupwithjoni@gmail.com

May 31, 2023