93. How Not to Die & The Daily Dozen
APR 01, 2023
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Many of the leading causes of death are preventable through a plant-based diet. But how exactly do we optimize our diet? Dr. Michael Greger, the bestselling author of How Not to Die, shares his top tips for how to minimize our chances of premature death and eat healthfully with the help of the Daily Dozen checklist.


Show Notes:

  • The amazing story that led Dr. Greger onto the path of lifestyle medicine and plant-based eating

  • How a plant-based diet helped Dr. Greger’s grandmother recover from end-stage heart disease

  • Chronic diseases that are lifestyle related rather than genetic-based

  • What most chronic diseases have in common

  • How to incorporate the daily dozen into your life for improved health

  • The spices that are superfoods, and how to consume more of them

  • What you might not have known about garlic and turmeric

  • The difference between fresh and dried herbs and spices

  • Dr. Greger’s technique for consuming spices daily without taking lots of capsules/pills

  • How Dr. Greger decided on what to include in the daily dozen

  • Caraway Home (use code plantpoweredkitchen at checkout for 10% off) 
  • Organifi (use code plantpower at checkout for 20% off )



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