The Ingredients of a Successful Music Career with Glory St. Germain
FEB 15, 2022
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The Ingredients of a Successful Music Career

Are you a music lover or an upcoming musician hoping to break into the industry? If you want to find success in a music career or as a music educator, it is important to educate yourself and shift to fit today’s music industry.

In this episode of the SpeakEasy Podcast, Altovise speaks with Glory St. Germain, TEDx speaker, international bestselling author, and the founder of the Ultimate Music Theory. Listen in to learn the importance of focusing on the education side of music just as much as you focus on the passion and the business side.

“If you want to be a leader in your industry, proximity is everything.”- [4:40]

What you will learn in this episode:
•[1:04] Get to know Glory and her work in music education.
•[3:05] The shift happening in the music industry plus how branding and proximity can help you become a leader.
•[6:19] How to get serious about the education side of music even as you focus on the business side.
•[9:56] How the auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning techniques can help you learn quicker and better.
•[13:06] The power of getting started and having a why to achieve success in your musical journey.

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