Tommaso Maggio is a researcher and practitioner of art and design for education. My academic experience goes from early years to adults education. A PhD researcher on alternative Art and Design Education with Plymouth University, and Lecturer in Visual Communications for the dual degree program at Birmingham City University, BIFCA-Wuhan Textile University. Since landed in Thailand, he taught at Chulalongkorn University, BA in Communication Design - print and new media), Assumption University of Thailand, BA, in Product Design. Course coordinator for a Master in Business Innovation and Design Thinking Workshops at Bangkok University.
In 2020, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, (UNSW) invited him as Guest Critic for the IA Graduation Project, Interior Architecture (Hons) Program. He taught first in Italy at Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) and Nuova Accademia Belle Arti (NABA) then visiting lecturer in Mexico, Monterrey, at Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey, CEDIM, and Guest-Critic for thesis projects at IES Moda Casa de Francia, Mexico City. As guest lecturer for Professor Roy Ascott studio at DeTao Master-SIVA, Shanghai, China.
Resident Artist at the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce. He is currently developing an art and design approach for PK-12 and adult education, and with his two-year-old daughter, he is co-author of illustrated books for children’s. Graduated from Politecnico di Milano with a Master of Science, Industrial Design, he spent eleven months as Erasmus at Kunsthochschule Kassel, Germany.
He has published articles and presented papers and workshops at interdisciplinary conferences as ASCIM, with NASA and Cirque du Soleil, CUMULUS, ACM SIGGRAPH, Balance-Unbalance, ISEA. Hong Kong, Thailand, China, UK, the US, Greece, and Italy are some of the countries visited for the above scope. Articles have been published on Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research. His work has been exhibited from Triennale di Milano, Italy, to Istanbul Design Week to Duke Contemporary Art Gallery in Bangkok, Thailand.