176: Practical Tips and Tools to Help Clients with Stress, Anxiety and Depression
FEB 05
Description Community

Frances Masters, founder of Fusion Therapeutic Coaching, joins host Maxine Bell to discuss how coaches can work safely and effectively with clients who have stress, anxiety or depression. Frances defines the three conditions, their signs and symptoms, and their impact on health and well-being. Learn about the Safe Space Model and the 4D worry technique. Frances’ pragmatic approach will enable your coaching practice and empower your clients.


You will learn:


·       The power of listening and a holistic coaching approach

·       Practical tips and tools for assessing and supporting clients' wellbeing

·       The significance of addressing innate human needs for emotional wellbeing


“Just acknowledge that you're with a human being and a human being is going to have human needs. And if those needs are not met, they're going to be stressed or distressed in some way.”


For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit: 




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