Michael Lodge - Wealth, Business & Taxes

Michael Lodge


If you like my podcast please support the Michael Lodge Show by buying us a cup of coffee. Your support is greatly appreciated: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MichaelLodge

Michael Lodge has been in business since 1984. Providing business consultations, formations, and mediation services. He has written his first book - Ethically Thinking, It's Not That Hard which is on Amazon. The WBT stands for Wealth, Business and Taxes and is the focus of the WBT podcast.

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1053 episodes

Episode 0082 - Twas The Night Before Christmas

Merry Christmas my friends. Thank you for joining me on Christmas Eve, I trully love spending this time with you. Let's get to "Twas the night before Christmas". If you like my podcast and vlogs, please support me by going to http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Dec 24, 2021
Episode - 0081: Let's Go To Paris For Christmas

Thanksgiving is over. Let's make 2022 a full year of being thankful. We have gone through so much and we may be going through a lot more. To make it through the up an down times we have got to remember what we are thankful for every day of 2022. Those memories will create a path of greatness and the ability to help others by what we have lived. The good and the bad. Remember about the times you have traveled, spent Christmas in a special place, met new people that touched your life in some way. Let' live 2022 as a thankful year and let's remember our special experiences of Christmas in Paris. If you like my podcast, please follow and support me at: http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question or comment, send it to info@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Nov 27, 2021
Episode 0080 - Thanksgiving, Inflation to Recession

Today's episode is about thanksgiving and how important it is in our lives that then leads us to the government created inflation that is now leading to a recession. You and I can manage our household budgets better then Government. We are in control of our homes and we have to know that Government is the problem for this nation. Change will come with a nation motivated to take back their nation from politicians. But right now let's be thankful and focus on that with our family and friends. This is Thanksgiving. If you would like to follow me please go to http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have any questions send them to info@lodge-co.com If you want to schedule a 60 minutes consultation with me, book me online at www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Nov 16, 2021
Episode 0079 - Lowering Your Prices Won't Generate More Business

Here is the deal, lowering the prices on your products and services does not boost business! In fact, it may put you out of business. The truth is, real business success comes from reliable, repeat customers along with strong, profit-making pricing. Don't surrender by lowering your prices, instead - focus on the quality, value of what you offer your clients. This podcast covers thinking about your fees and the qualify of your services. If you like the content of my podcasts and blogs, follow and support me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a business or mediation question, send it to: info@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Nov 10, 2021
Episode 0078 - My Turkey Will Not Be Touched by Politics!

We are getting so close to our Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States. We are worn out by politics and dirty rotten politicians. This Thanksgiving, let's forget about the politics and focus on our family and friends. We have missed out on really good gossiping because we have been separated by government. This Thanksgiving no politics will be talked about at my thanksgiving time with family and friends. Put up your trees, get the turkey in the oven, get some deviled eggs and start enjoying this one American holiday that comes from the heart of giving. If you want to read all my blogs and listen to my podcasts, go to www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a business question, send it to info@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Nov 08, 2021
Episode 0077 - Life Series - The Engagement and Marriage Decision

We are in the first part of this podcast series on making life decisions, today it is about engagement and marriage decisions. We are asking the questions prior to marriage that need to be asked. It's better to ask the questions before marriage and work through the issues prior to saying, "I Do". We have decisions we have to make as we start our lives together and they are important ones where you need to be on the same page. I do a lot of Pre-Marital Mediation and couples try and work through the issues prior to marriage. They want their marriage to work. Let's go through the pre-marriage question asking process in this podcast. If you like my podcasts and vlogs, go to www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge and follow and support my process of vlogging and podcasting. If you have any questions, send them to info@lodge-co.com

Nov 02, 2021
Episode 0076 - A Week About Life Podcasts

So many times I have asked my friends and clients if they have created a will, trust and healthcare directive. Most of the time the answer is no. Over the weekend I watched several video's on social media of family members leaning over their family as they were taking their last breaths. I am sure you have seen these videos. Having gone through this myself with my Mom, she had given me a healthcare directive telling me what should happen if where was no longer responsive, no longer had any medical options to help her. I followed her directive because that is what she wanted, and letting go was easier because I was following her wishes. Why make death difficult for everyone by not knowing what your wishes are. This week of podcasts are going to be dedicated to the decision making process of life, from marriage to death. I promise you I will not be morbid, but will approach the subject(s) nicely. Join me this week as we talk about the decision process of life. I would ask that all of you please follow and support me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have any questions please send them to info@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Nov 01, 2021
Episode 0075 - End Of Year Financial Reviews

We are almost to the end of 2021 and if you own a business you need to sit down and begin planning for 2022. Planning is key to running a good business. Get your journal out and start planning. If you need help, email me at info@lodge-co.com You have two more months to do your planning an talking with your accountant on your tax issues for 2021. Be proactive an do what is good for your company - plan! If you like my content, please follow and support me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have any questions, submit them to info@lodge-co.com

Oct 27, 2021
Episode 0074 - Hello Sunday - John 3:16

Hello everyone on the beautiful Sunday morning. I love In-N-Out hamburgers. If you turn the drinking cup over you will find the word - John 3:16 If you don't know what that says, it is a bible verse that gives us all a promise - For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. It is the gospel in a nutshell. Now we are going through tough economic times, inflation is out of control. But we have a God that loves you and me. Don't forget it. Believe it. Live it. If you like the content of my podcasts, please support and follow me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge For questions, send them to info@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Oct 24, 2021
Episode 0073 - Hello Greenville South Carolina

I made it. After two weeks of packing, loading it into a moving truck, driving everything to Greenville SC, I am exhausted. When you are as old as I am, the lifting of boxes and bending in all types of directions, the old body says - slow down. However, I am not about 90% unpacked and still looking at boxes in my garage. I wish you all could see the view from my office, beautiful trees with the sun shinning though. Life is good in South Carolina. Today our podcast is about taking care of our personal finances and budget during this inflation that has now turned into a recession. You and I are going to work on this so we can survive. If you are married you are going to do it together, that is my order. Yes, I am going to be bossy on this subject because it is so very important. I want you to go to my website at www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com and download my free excel budget for you to use. No strings attached. Click on the tab that says "60 Minute Business Advice". You will find it easy to use and you can make adjustments where needed. If you like my content, please support me by going to http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have any questions on business, mediation, finance, please send me a text to mlodge@lodge-co.com

Oct 22, 2021
Episode 0072 - Goodbye Florida, Hello South Carolina

This is my last episode that I will do in Florida. This Friday the moving van pulls in and loads me up to head to Greenville, South Carolina. Florida is becoming a California, real estate inflation, rental prices are soring, and crime is getting worse. I moved from California to escape what was going on in California to have it moved into Florida. However, I am looking forward to being in South Carolina. I will do my first podcast from Greenville a week from now. I look forward to the move. However, my back and lags are worn out, I have done all the packing myself, and I really do feel like an old man. Well, I am old. Talk with you soon from South Carolina. If you like my content, follow me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have any business questions, send them to me at mediator@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Oct 11, 2021
Episode 0070 - Americans Have Lost Their Ability To Think Critically

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth. - Gary Kasparov Turn off the news, think critically and find the truth. Stop jumping to conclusions because the propaganda fits your political agenda. Stop being fools! We have got to do better. If you like my podcast, vlogs and blogs, become a member of "The Business Advisor" with Michael Lodge. Fresh new business and personal finance content every single day. http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question or comment, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

Sep 22, 2021
Episode 0070 - Supply Chain, Christmas, and Ships Stuck Off Our Coasts

We are all experiencing a problem with shortage of supplies or taking time to get to us. Our supply chain has slowed way down (per Gallup) and created consumer prices to go up. Six in 10 people are unable in the past two months to get a product we have ordered. Similar percentage of people have experienced significant delays in getting these products. Altogether, 71% of Americans have experienced at least one of the two of these problems. If you download the app called Marine-Traffic and you can see all of the ships sitting there waiting to go into port and be unloaded. it is taking up to 4 to 6 weeks to unload these ships. Why? I can't find the real answer as to why it is taking so long. Christmas supplies are sitting off shore waiting to be unloaded which means Christmas present may be gift cards because there is no supply of consumer goods for Christmas. All of us have got to become good stewards of our money and think more creatively. This issue is driving up prices and creating inflation that affects all of us. So expect me to hound you weekly on being good stewards. Full Gallup report: https://news.gallup.com/poll/353312/consumers-felt-supply-chain-problems.aspx I invite you all to join my "The Business Advisor" that is a daily magazine of my blogs, vlogs and podcasts on business and what issues affect us. Become a member at http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a business question, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Sep 21, 2021
Episode 0069 - Everyone Chill, You're Creating Conflict!

Everyon these days are mad as hell about something. Covid, taxes, unemployment, immigration, politics, family issues and the list goes on. On social media people have just become mean as snakes. They say things that they couldn't even say to their mother, but now feel they have the right to offend people and call them names. Conflict is established on social media and it has grown, and we are all guilty about it. Everyone s in attack mode. We have to learn that words create conflict and then escalate into threats of violence. We need to know how to deal with conflict, in our work, our travel, in our families. There are free classes on the internet that train you on how to deal with conflict. There are mediators available to you for advice on dealing with conflict. Use these sources to resolve conflicts. If you need help in knowing how to deal with conflict, contact me at mediator@lodge-co.com If you like my podcasts, vlogs and blogs follow and member at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Sep 20, 2021
Episode 0068 - We Have To Talk About Loneliness and Mental Health

I am seeing more and more postings on social media about individuals feeling lonely. I have seen the words, "I am so lonely that I don't know how to bare it." It is good they are stating it so we can reach out to them. We need to start listening to individuals who are lonely, isolated, needing to talk. This isolation is doing greater damage to our overall health condition. It is weakening our health condition. There is a study done out of the UK that published a report that said, "Loneliness - much like hunger or thirst - is a signal that we're lacking something. Prolonged social isolation can even contribute to heart disease, stroke or premature death." These government that have locked down individuals have done a greater damage to humans by isolating them and creating greater healthcare conditions. This has got to stop because now we have got to learn how to communicate again and listen to those that are lonely. We have to listen and reach out. Isolation and loneliness has to be addressed by our corporations and their employees, healthcare workers, and in our churches. Especially with our young people who feel isolated from their friends. We are social beings and we can't be isolated. Governments have done too much damage to our nation through isolation and loneliness. You and I have got to do better. Tell me what you think. If you like my podcasts, vlogs and blogs, follow me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question or comment, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

Sep 17, 2021
Episode 0067 - Broken Pots Spread More Water

I am doing a short podcast today because I know there are people out there that feel broken, discouraged, and it is my responsibility to tell you, you're not broken. Remember, broken pots spread more water. Something will grow from what you have done. All of go through tough times, but we have to keep going. I believe in you. Keep going. If you like my podcasts, vlogs and blogs, follow me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge Become a member of "The Business Advisor". If you have a business questions, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

Sep 16, 2021
Episode 0066 - Ethics in Churches, Business and Life. Politics Has Corrupted You!

I have been talking and preaching ethics for the last three years. The more I talk with people I am finding that churches have been corrupted by politics, even worse, political agenda's. Politics corrupts. And when you have individuals inside your organizations teaching how bad other people are, you will never act ethically. Ethics is so vital when we conduct our lives, our churches and our businesses. Politics corrupts and creates division, conflicts and disputes, and that is not how we are to live. Focus on what you do as a church - you serve. You have forgotten that because politics has destroyed the belief in serving or service. As a business, focus on what you do, how you build things, how you build people up within your companies, on your communities and how you can help them. If you have politics you loose sight of what you are ethically suppose to do for your stockholders, employees and consumers. Ethics should be the goal of our lives on a daily basis, how we treat and respect others that don't believe as we do. How we work together to make our communities better. And the list of ethical cooperation continues if we focus on them and do not let politics corrupt our mission of service. If you like my podcast, please follow and support me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge. If you have a business or mediation question, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

Sep 15, 2021
Episode 0065 - Rise Up And Do Something! Make A Difference

Forget the News. Forget politics or politicians. Forget Covid and the Covid politics. Get up and do something that will make a difference. Feed your mind with good stuff, do stuff that impacts others lives in a positive way. We have become so bogged down on the current crisis and the politics that never changes. It doesn't change because people have lost interest in their America. By the way you can do something, vote better. We have talked about this before. It is time that we all have talents, we have a life time of experience, put it to use to make a difference in your community. If you want to travel, experience America for right now. If you want to do something different, find something that interests you. I am planning a Great Loop experience, getting in a boat, traveling up the east coast on the intercoastal waterway, over to the great leaks, down the Mississippi river and finally making my way back to Florida, or any port I choose. But along the way I am going to work with the local Chambers, talk to people about alternative ways to settle disputes, about business issues. So I am planning this trip and telling you the process along the way. I feel it is time for me to rise up and so something. Find something that interests you and do it. But don't sit idle and do nothing. Live If you like my podcast, vlogs and blogs, follow me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge I post content throughout the day. If you would like to help and support me, buy me a coffee. If you have any business questions, send them to mediator@lodge-co.com I will answer to the best of my ability your questions.

Sep 14, 2021
Episode 0064 - Inflation Goes Up, Biden and Congress Want To Raise Taxes

Inflation is predicted to rise on food by 2 - 3% doe Oct o December, maybe even more. We all have been hit by higher food costs and now it will go up even more. In this podcast we are going to talk about this issue and how to plan for it. If you would like a free budget spread sheet to tract your income and costs, go to my website and click on www.lodge-o.com/60minutebusinessadvice.html http://www.lodge-o.com/60minutebusinessadvice.html and click on "Personal Budget Worksheet". It is completely free and easy to use. If you have questions just send me an email to mediator@lodge-co.com If you like my podcast, blogs and vlogs, follow and support me by going to www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge

Sep 13, 2021
Episode 0063 - Vote Yes On Recalling Newsom, Fix California

On September 14th you have the ability to change the downward direction of California. When you hire people you look at their accomplishments. If you look at what Newsom has done from being Mayor of California to being Govenor, he has caused distruction throughout his time in California. Not one single accomplishment that was not political agenda driven, not what is right for Californians. People and businesses are moving out of California as Newsom continues to attack small businesses and chase them out of the state. You are going to fire a bad performer and hire someone that will work for Californians. If you vote no on the recall you have just driven another nail in the State of California. Stop thinking abou democrats against republicans, this is a decision to fire a bad person. Gavin Newsom has done too much damage and created too much chaos in California. You have been touched by his bad leadership and his focus on politics and not Californians. Anyone that has a bad political agenda will destroy everyone that gets in his or her way. VOTE YES ON RECALLING GAVIN NEWSOM If you like my blogs, vlogs and podcasts, follow and support me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a business or conflict question, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

Sep 13, 2021
Episode 0062 - 9/11 Is A Day We Unite - Smile!

On 9/11 we were attacked. On 9/12 we united as a nation. We are being attacked from within by divisional politics, on 9/12 we need to unite as a nation and rebuild our nation. Put your political parties to the side and focus on our communities and work together on what needs to happen to rebuild our communities. Helping our neighbor. Not putting labels like vaccinated and unvaccinated, everyone is the same - we are Americans. On 9/12 we unite. And by the way, starting on 9/12 and you walking along, and you may be wearing a mask, pull it down and smile at people. Show them you are united with them. Smile and work together. Shut the politicians down, shut the news down, and get to work in your communities with your neighbors. Get it done. If you like my podcast, vlogs and blogs, follow and support me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question or remark, send an email to mediator@lodge-co.com

Sep 11, 2021
Episode 0061 - Joe Biden Is Not America, He Is Tyranny

America is under attack inside America by politicians that want government to take control over your freedom, your healthcare decisions, your ability to survive. Americans have the ability by fighting back through the courts and the constitution, and through our votes. We can work together to create change in government. We can o greater things by getting involved in our communities. But we, Americans, have the ability to take back our nation and our government. Don't allow Biden or anyone mandate your healthcare decision. Stand firm and fight. Those businesses who are pushing vaccine mandates, you have opened yourself up to legal risk. You had better sit down with outside attorneys and re-examine your risk. It will be costly if you keep going in the direction of mandated employees, vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. If you comply with the Biden mandate you will be challenged legally for your practices of attacking every employee / patient bill of rights of knowing what the vaccine will do and have the right to make the medical decision to accept it. Businesses are going to be held responsible for making medical decisions for patients, if one dies because of contracting covid or complications, you will be held responsible. You mandated that on your employee. Review your legal risk, because it will be costly. Americans, we can make change but we have to use the constitution to fight for us - legally. If you like my podcasts, vlogs and blogs, follow or support me by going to www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have any questions, send me an email to mediator@lodge-co.com

Sep 10, 2021
Episode 0060 - Corporate Wokeness Is Unethical Political Stupidity

If you are running a woke business you have been corrupted by politics and a political agenda. If you are discriminating against people because of how they believe, you are an unethical entity. Politics in companies create conflict and disputes, and the more you allow politics to roam around in your businesses and attack other people and fire them, or not serve them, you are unethically corrupt by politics. Politics is not a ethical profession, a political agenda creates more harm then a need to serve others. To serve and hear everyone. People stop talking, individuals become less creative, because they don't know who is going to be offended or who believe in their abilities. Those of you that serve on boards of corporations and allowing or supporting a company to be woke are doing damage to your business, shareholders and to the consumer. If your business is so woke that you are offending consumers - your a ethically challenged. Get politics out of your companies, set up rules, do not take sides, and stop being stupid woke. If you like my podcasts, vlogs and blogs, follow me where they all are at on www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a business question, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Sep 04, 2021
Episode 0060 - California Must Recall Gavin Newsom Or Else!

I am not endorsing any politician in California, but I am asking you to recall Gavin Newsom or else.......your state will get worse. This vote will send a very clear message to all California politicians to get their act together. The message is California first, end power driven criminal activity in government. The "Or Else" is not a pretty situation if you keep Gavin Newsom in office. Remember he was Mayor of San Francisco and he destroyed that city. Then he was Lt. Governor and then Governor. His history has been nothing but failure for the Californian. Californians have to stand up and take back control. Don't just let your state burn with Gavin Newsom, get some balls and take back you state. California is a great state, I was born there, it was my home. My friends and family are still there. My heart is in California and it always will be. But Californians have become weak in their decision making process and allowed California to be run down. Highest taxes, highest gasoline prices, highest property taxes, Lowest grade in education, highest poverty rate in the nation, and companies are running from California. It is failing more and more under Gavin Newsom. During the pandemic, Newsom took over and destroyed lives, even until today. Stand up California, take back your nation. If you like my podcast, vlogs and blogs, follow and support me at http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question or comment send it to: mediator@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Sep 03, 2021
Episode 0059 - The Pelosi Politics of 13 Military Deaths

Last night I sat down and wrote a letter to my Congresswoman that represents me here in Florida. I asked that the 13 names be read into the Congressional Record and that the Congressional Chaplin pray for those names. I as an American can request that items be submitted to the Congressional Record. However, my Congresswoman is a Democrat and sides with Nancy Pelosi on many things. On the day of the bombing she made a very short statement and it was all about her and her son who had served in the military. Politicians never address the paid of the families, instead they turn it around and make it about them. So I have doubt that my letter will get anywhere in Congress. But I encourage each of you to send a letter to your member of Congress. So i pray for the families of these fallen soldiers. David L Espinoza Nicole L Gee Darin T Hoover Ryan C. Knauss Hunter Lopez Rylee J McCollum Dylan R. Merola Kareem M Nikoui Rasario Pichardo Humberto A. Sanchez Jared M Schmitz Maxton W. Soviak Deagan W. Page. If you have any questions or comments, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com If you like my podcasts, blogs and vlogs, follow and support me by going to: www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge

Sep 02, 2021
Episode 0058 - I Am Planning A Great Loop Adventure, Follow Me

The last two podcasts have been about getting involved, fighting loneliness, starting the communication all over again. For a few weeks now I have been thinking about an adventure, to get out and explore. My decision - doing the great loop by boat. Leaving from Florida, going up the intercoastal waterway to New York, over to Chicago, down the Mississippi river to Louisiana and ending in Florida. Probably a year plus adventure. However, I can still do my work on the boat, my office will be my boat for a year. I am now in the planning stages of this adventure. Follow me. Tell me if you have done the great loop. Tell me the good, bad and ugly. If you are currently doing the great loop tell me about it. We have been locked down for so long, our mental health has been weakened and it is now time for a great adventure. You do it to, even if it is just for a day. Get out and do something amazing. Follow my blogs, vlogs and podcasts at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question about business or mediation, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Sep 01, 2021
Episode 0057 - There Are People That Need You To Talk To Them

I was sitting waiting for something to get done and was watching Tiktok. I listened to an older man tell us that he didn't know how to deal with getting old. He lost his friends, he is just doing the same thing everyday, and no one talks with him. His name is Del and he is on today's podcast. But we can help the Del's of the world by just spending time talking to them, listening. Covid created a lot of mental health issues where people told us older people to stay home, it's safer for you. And then payed anymore attention to them. You know people like this, pick up your phone and start calling them. They need to talk and you need to listen. Let's start life again. If you like my vlogs, blogs and podcasts, follow and support me at http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question or comment, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

Aug 31, 2021
Episode 0056 - We Are Not Alone

In this world we see governments failing it's people. We see very bad decisions being made. We have realized that Government is not the answer to solve our problems, but rather they are the cause of so many problems. However, we have each other. Put the politics to the side and do what is right. Look for the needs within your communities that you can work together on and toss politics to the side. Kick it to the curb. There is so much to get done that your talents can be used to make a great community. Each one of us has a talent that can be used. This is the podcast to talk about putting our talents to work. If you like my podcasts and blogs. Follow and support me at http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have any question or comments, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com www.lodge-co.com http://www.lodge-co.com

Aug 29, 2021
Episode 0055 - Biden / Harris Are Derelict in Their Duties - Resign

Yesterday I watched Bidens press conference and became amazed at a man that can not lead. Americans died because of his leadership. Terrorists took over because of Bidens leadership. He is right, the buck stops at his desk. The problem is he is never at his desk because he can't lead. He is responsible for a nation, relationships with our internation friends, but he abandoned them. When a leader shows weakness to our enimies they will attack the weak. Weak leadership creates chaos and death. Weakness puts a target on Americans everywhere, there is evil out there ready to pounce on weakness. Put your politics to the side and ask yourself, is Biden leading? is he making the right decisions for America and our international community? When we hire bad leaders chaos rolls into a larger incident that will destroy even more lives. Ask yourself, is it time to demand for another election to choose a leader? Do we need to vote for a no confidence of the President? Is it time for Biden and Harris to resign because of derelict of duties to America? We need to make a decision fast. Ask the question, has Biden / Harris been derelict in their duties? If you like my content, follow me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a business question, or on dispute issues, send me an email to mediator@lodge-co.com

Aug 27, 2021
Episode 0054 - Congress, Get Your Spending Under Control

Right now in Congress there are two bills, a 1T infrastructure bill and a 4T spending bill. And the American people do not know what is in either one. No one in Congress wants to explain what their tax dollars are going to be spent on. It's all in a big pile, a bill with hundreds of tiny bills in side it. Otherwise known as pork. Not just any old pork, these are the mother pigs of pork. Trump would call it huuuuuge. I call it nonsense and it has got to be brought under control. Every American should be spending some time and telling their members of Congress to cut it out. Enough. Turn the printing presses off that are printing new money. Money that the American people can not afford. Congress, get your spending under control or you will be out. If you like my podcast, vlogs and blogs, follow and support me at www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge http://www.buymeacoffee.com/michaellodge If you have a question or comment, send it to mediator@lodge-co.com

Aug 24, 2021