No Greater Love - Week 12
MAR 24, 2024
Description Community

Overcoming the World

Teacher: Jon Morales, Lead Pastor at Oak Pointe Church

John 16:23-33

If you’ve ever been in the market for a house, you know the importance of looking “beneath the surface.” While a new coat of paint, fresh flowers, and a snickerdoodle candle can make most any place feel like a dream, a wise buyer thinks twice.

It’s experienced house-hunters you’ll find brushing away cobwebs around the furnace, peering close at the seals of the windows, and, most importantly, taking a good, long look at the foundation. Because no matter how modern the cabinetry or bright the natural lighting, a faulty foundation turns anyone’s dream home into a nightmare.

Join us this Sunday as our upcoming message, “Overcoming the World,” challenges us to consider what – or whom – our own lives are built on. Because if a house can’t last without a sure foundation, how can you?
