6 weeks til 2022 - Gratitude
NOV 22, 2021
Description Community

“Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.
If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart


This week as we head into Thanksgiving in the U.S. it is a good idea to take stock of what we are grateful for.  To name it aloud or write it down to be captured and ruminated on.

This week try a new practice of writing down 3 things you are grateful for each morning as a way to start your day from a place of abundance.

Remember when you think happy thoughts you attract more happy thoughts (and happy people) into your reality.

My morning short list:

Sleeping in this morning

Taking time for morning meditation (YAY ME!)

Hot coffee on rainy mornings


Feeling healthy

Clean water

A home I love


Come see me on Instagram where I share lots more on gratitude as a practice and as a perspective.  www.instagram.com/melissahallklepacki 


(last week we brought awareness to Nutrition looking for a 1% improvement, did you get it done?  Remember, fueling your body with healthy whole foods DAILY is the way forward.  You can go back and listen to any pervious podcasts on iTunes)


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