Pound This

Amanda Valentine


Pound This® is here help educate, motivate, and entertain you on your health and wellness journey.

In this podcast, you'll find everything from nutrition, exercise, meal prep, fitness, wellness, workouts, life coaching, and mental health advice from experts, as well as from someone who has lived through it all and who can show you how a healthy lifestyle can actually be fun.

Amanda Valentine is down over 100 pounds and maintaining -- all through healthy lifestyle changes she made after a lifetime of obesity and yo-yo dieting.

To find meal prep recipes and more, visit AmandaValentineBites.com

Available on


843 episodes

839: Cincy Girls Who Walk With Tara Osborne

Tara Osborne grew up in Cincinnati, moved away, and came back to find herself looking for a new group of women she could share common interests with. So, Tara started a walking group: Cincy Girls Who. Not only did this group get hundreds of women walking, now it's creating connections far beyond Tara's expectations. Hear all about it in this episode.  Find Cincy Girls Who here: https://www.cincygirlswho.com/  

Nov 08, 2023
838: Jason Allen's Health Journey Through Sobriety

Jason Allen is a friend and former radio co-host of mine. In this episode Jason gets real vulnerable and honest about his choice to give up alcohol and how that has impacted not only his health, but his relationships.    If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

1h 55m
Oct 15, 2023
837: Answering Your Questions About My Life

In this episode my good friend and badass wellness coach Lindsey Bonadonna interviews me and asks the questions you wanted to know the answers to (from an Instagram poll). Find Lindsey here: https://nourishatbe.com/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

1h 12m
Oct 08, 2023
836: Trusting Intuition - Emily Kendall's Breastfeeding Journey

In this episode entrepreneur, author, mother, wife and my friend Emily Kendall shares her breastfeeding journey and the book she's now published to help other women.  Find Let It Flow here: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/let-it-flow-emily-l-kendall/1144112298;jsessionid=06243C967588EAE0BDE691CBE7847B97.prodny_store01-atgap08     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

1h 10m
Oct 01, 2023
835: Amanda's Diary - Elimination Diet Update

An update on doing Whole 30 to help solve my inflammation issues...   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Sep 24, 2023
834: Meal Planning, Macros And Weight Loss Surgery With Jess Valoy

Jess Valoy is a coach, meal planning and macro specialist with Team Fit With Me. In this episode, Jess discusses her own journey including weight loss surgery and now how she helps others with their nutition goals with meal planning and macro counting.  **A heads up of background noises in this episode** Find Jess at Team Fit With Me here: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/ Find Jess on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/jessv_fitwithme/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Sep 24, 2023
833: How Hunter Got Healthy, Lost 50 Pounds And Is Helping Others

Hunter Stoler, Health With Hunter, is a certified nutrition and health coach. In this episode Hunter shares his own weight loss journey and how it sparked a passion to help others on theirs. Hunter also shares his favorite tips and tricks on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Find Hunter's website here: https://healthwithhunter.shop/ Find Hunter on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/healthwithhunter/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Sep 17, 2023
832: Amanda's Diary - Elimination Diet

An update on my current diet and exercise routine. Working on my autoimmune disease -- finally!    If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Sep 05, 2023
831: Doh Joy! Low Carb Bread With Founder Julie Lincoln

Founder of Doh Joy bread, Julie Lincoln, joins me to discuss her entrepreneurship journey and how she helped create a low carb bread. From Doh Joy's website: Inside every bite is a wholesome blend of ingredients, like protein and fiber from wheat, milled sunflower seeds, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, that provide that "real" bread flavor you love without the empty calories you don't. With no added sugar or sweeteners of any kind, Dohjoy is blood sugar friendly, too. Find Doh Joy here: https://dohjoy.com/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Aug 21, 2023
830: Self Care Entrepreneurship With Business Strategist Stacy Kessler

Stacy Kessler is a small business strategist helping women create businesses that help them thrive AND make them happy. In this epsiode, we discuss Stacy's own entreprenuer journey, and how she created a business built on her own self care and how she want to live her life -- and now how she's helping others do the same.    Find Stacy Kessler here: https://www.stacykessler.me/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Aug 14, 2023
829: Amanda's Diary - To Lose Weight, Or Not To Lose Weight?

It's my birthday! Time tio catch up on all the things that have happened in my life over the last year, including gaining weight.    If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Aug 08, 2023
828: All About Perimenopause With Dr. Carrie Jones

Carrie Jones, ND, FABNE, MPH is the Chief Medical Officer for NuEthix Formulations and specializes in hormonal health. In this episode we discuss all the signs, symptoms and solutions to perimenopause and menopause.  Find Dr. Carrie Jones here: https://www.instagram.com/dr.carriejones/   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Jul 31, 2023
827: Bringing A Lifetime Of Fitness Expertise To Team Fit With Me With Renee And Billy

Renee and Billy both have decades of experience in the fitness industry, and now bring their expertise to Team Fit With Me! In this episode hear about Renee & Billy's take on virtual training and their advice for long term fitness.   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Jul 25, 2023
826: The Secrets To Long Term Wellness Success With Matt Kasee

Losing weight? Keeping up with a fitness routine? It's hard in the short term, and even harder in the long term. Personal trainer and owner of Trilogy Fitness Systems, Matt Kasee, joins me to discuss our secrets to long term wellness success.  Find more information on Trilogy here: https://www.trilogyfitnesssystems.com/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Jul 17, 2023
825: Move Beyond Surviving With Dr. Kelly McLean

* Dr. Kelly McLean is a surgical oncologist at The Christ Hospital Health Network and founder of Move Beyond Surviving. Move Beyond Surviving is dedicated to empowering breast cancer survivors to overcome the emotional, physical, and mental impact resulting from their disease by physically challenging themselves in nature. Engaging in outdoor adventures can profoundly affect a survivor’s ability to live a life in which they thrive. *   * In this epsiode Dr. Kelly Discusses everything this organization does and how you can get involved.  *   * Find more information about Move Beyond Surviving here: https://movebeyondsurviving.org/ *     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Jul 10, 2023
824: Answering Your Mental Health Questions With Dr. Shelby Gardner

Dr. Shelby Gardner is a Primary Care Pysician at The Christ Hospital Health Network. In this episode, Dr. Garder answers your questions! Including: * -What are natural/holistic alternatives to anti-depressant medications? -What is the effectiveness of CBD for mental health issues? -How accurate is advice/self assessment tests on the internet? -Is telehealth more or less effective for mental health issues? -At what point do I seek help? -Does perimenopause effect anxiety levels? -How much does exercise effect your mental health? *   * For more information, find Dr. Garder here: https://www.thechristhospital.com/physician-details?Provider=%230018QHPPD *     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

Jul 03, 2023
823: The Life Changing Powers Of Nature With Pam Cho

Pam Cho has been coaching senior business leaders and early-career professionals since 2009. Previously, Pam spent 20+ years as a corporate communications officer with two Fortune 500 companies, managed an international trade association, and served in The White House. Pam received a certification as a forest therapy guide through the ANFT (Association of Nature & Forest Therapy), and enjoys providing outdoor settings for coaching sessions with her clients. In this episode, Pam discusses the life changing powers of nature and how she helps coach people to be their best selves outdoors.  Find Pam & Trek Coaching here: https://trekcoaching.com/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Jun 26, 2023
822: All About Hand Health With Dr. Noah Shaftel

Dr. Noah Shaftel is an orthopedic hand/wrist specialist at The Christ Hospital Health Network. In this episode, Dr. Shaftel answers your questions! Including: * -Grip strength * -What might cause numbness & burning between the thumb & pointer fingers? * -How long is recovery from carpal tunnel surgery? * -When do I need surgery from carpal tunnel? * -If my arm falls asleep every night, is that carpal tunnel? * -How do I protect my hands/wrists from being on my phone all the time? * -Is pain/stiffness in my pinky & ring finger tendonitis? * -What are some solutions for tendonitis?  * -How do I know if I have Rheumatoid arthritis? *   * Trigger warning! We do discuss trauma to the hands near the end of this episode.  *   * Find Dr. Shaftel here: https://www.thechristhospital.com/physician-details?Provider=S3S40PEWM7 *     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Jun 19, 2023
821: How The Pandemic Helped Becca Love Fitness And Lose 80 Pounds

Becca was first on Pound This in January of 2021 (episode 619) to discuss how the pandemic had changed her habits. In this episode we discuss not only how those habits stuck, but how they have helped Becca lose 80 pounds and find a love for fitness.    If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Jun 12, 2023
820: Three Emotional Health Money Mistakes Made During Divorce With Christine Luken

Christine Luken went from being unable to leave a broken relationship because of debt in her 20's, to now helping people have a healthy relationship with their finances, especially through divorce. In this episode, we discuss the 3 most common emotional mistakes during divorce. We also discuss how dealing with money is a LOT like taking care of your health. Find Christine here: https://www.christineluken.com/   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me, contact Sarah for all pricing packages tailored to your needs: https://www.teamfitwithme.com/   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Jun 05, 2023
819: How Nicole Stopped Yo-Yo Dieting And Lost 145 Pounds

In this episode Nicole shares her amazing journey of her struggles with weight loss and how she has lost 145 pounds in the past 3 years and how that has impacted her mentally and physically.   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

May 29, 2023
818: The Power Of Enneagram With Beth Johnson

Beth Johnson is a certified advanced enneagram teacher and founder of Bloom Where You're Planted. In this episode we discuss the power knowing your enneagram has on self growth an connecting with others.  Find Bloom Where You're Planted here: https://www.bloomwhereyoureplantedcincy.com/ Find Beth on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/enneablooms/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

May 22, 2023
817: The Impact Of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy With Dr. Ankit Bhatia

The Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Center at The Christ Hospital is the region’s first, dedicated HCM Center. TCH offers comprehensive care for adults with HCM, a heart condition that causes your heart’s walls to thicken and can lead to heart failure.  Dr. Ankit Bhatia joins me to discuss the symptoms to look out for with this genetic disease, proper treatments and how The Christ Hospital is helping our community with it's new HCM Center.  Find more info on Christ Hospital's HCM Center here: https://www.thechristhospital.com/services/heart/specialized-care-and-treatment/hypertrophic-cardiomyopathy-hcm Find more info on HMCA that Dr. Bhatia mentioned here: https://4hcm.org/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

May 19, 2023
816: How Healthy Lifestyle Changes Can Impact Relationships With Tara Vollman

Tara Vollman was previously on episode 675 discussing her 100 pound weight loss and journey, in this episode we both discuss how our weight loss journeys impacted our marriages and relationships.  Find Tara on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/tbreeeeeeeeezy_bfit/   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmandaValentineBites Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

May 16, 2023
815: Amanda's Diary - Transformations

Life has been crazy for me, time for some updates! Including updates from things dicussed in episode 813. Job changes, moving, weight gain, etc.  Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport: https://www.cleaneatz.com/

May 03, 2023
814: Walking Meditation - We Are Where We Need to Be With Lindsey Bonadonna

In this epsiode mindset coach Lindsey Bonadonna takes us through a walking meditation focusing on being exactly where we need to be in life. Feel free to walk or be in a comfortable space while listening to this meditation.  Find Lindsey here: https://www.lindseybonadonna.com/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Apr 19, 2023
813: Amanda's Diary - Binge Eating

Life has been crazy for me, time for some updates! Divorce, moving, job changes, dating, binge eating...the list is long.  Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport and West Chester: https://www.cleaneatz.com/    

Apr 13, 2023
812: How Keri Croft Is Changing Lives With System of Strength

Keri Croft is the co-founder of System of Strength, host of the Keri Croft show and total badass. In this episode we discuss Keri's passion for fitness, business and how System of Strength is changing lives.  Find System of Strength here: https://systemofstrength.com/ (use code PoundThis23 to get your first class free!) Find Keri's podcast IG here: https://www.instagram.com/thekericroftshow/?hl=en     If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport and West Chester: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Apr 03, 2023
811: Injury Prevention For Running With Dr. Dinesh Thawrani

Dr. Dinesh Thawrani is an orthopedic sugeon at The Christ Hospital and also a runner. In this epsiode, Dr. Thawrani and I discuss common injuries from running, stretches, correct form and more! Find Dr. Thawrani here: https://thechristhospital.com/   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport and West Chester: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Mar 27, 2023
810: Habit Changes Are Hard With Matt Kasee

Matt Kasee is a personal trainer and owner of Trilogy Fitness Systems. In this epsiode we discuss how difficult, but important it is to stick to habit changes. Find Matt here: https://www.trilogyfitnesssystems.com/   If you're in need of a health coach, and you'd like to check out Team Fit With Me - Get 10% off month 1 of all packages, plans, and add on services using this link: www.teamfitwithme.com/poundthis   In Cincinnati looking for healthy meals and meal prep?? Give Clean Eatz a try in Newport and West Chester: https://www.cleaneatz.com/   Find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/youcanpoundthis/ Website: http://amandavalentinebites.com/

Mar 20, 2023